
Joel G. Fletcher, M.D.

  1. Radiologist




  1. Rochester, Minnesota


  1. CT colonography
  2. CT enterography
  3. Fluoroscopy
  4. MRI
  • Use of CT and MR enterography to diagnose Crohn's disease and its complications — partnering with Mayo Clinic's IBD Clinic, the Society of Abdominal Radiology's Crohn's Disease-focused Panel, and the STAR Consortium — development of standardized and reproducible imaging criteria to diagnose and measure severity of enteric inflammation, Crohn's disease strictures; and perianal Crohn's disease, Crohn's disease response assessment and clinical trials using imaging endpoints
  • Photon-counting CT and radiation dose reduction in CT imaging — partnering with collaborators in Mayo Clinic's CT Clinical Innovation Center — development, validation, and integration into clinical practice of new and improved diagnostic imaging tests, which detect disease and improve patient care.
  • Colorectal cancer imaging — focusing on improved detection of hepatic metastases and peritoneal disease with CT imaging, and use of MRI for staging rectal cancer and evaluating pelvic recurrence
  • Dynamic pelvic floor and anal sphincter imaging — partnering with Dr. Adil Bharucha and collaborators in colorectal surgery
  1. 1998
    ResidentGastrointestinal Imaging, Programs in Rochester, Mayo School of Graduate Medical Education, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine
  2. 1998
    Fellow - Gastrointestinal Radiology and Abdominal ImagingMayo Clinic in Rochester
  3. 1997
    Resident - Diagnostic RadiologyUniversity of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics
  4. 1993
    MDHarvard Medical School
  5. 1989
    BS - Chemistry, Magna Cum LaudeUniversity of Tennessee, Chattanooga


  1. 1997
    Diagnostic RadiologyAmerican Board of Radiology

Awards and honors

  1. 2025
    Cum Laude (Dave et al)Society of Abdominal Radiology
  2. 2025
    Certificate of Merit (*Larson et al)Society of Abdominal Radiology
  3. 2025
    Certificate of Merit (*El Sadaney et al)Society of Abdominal Radiology
  4. 2025
    Gold Medal AwardSociety of Abdominal Radiology
  5. 2024
    Certificate of Merit (Weber et al)Radiological Society of North America
  6. 2024
    Editors’ Certificate of Excellence (*Yalon et al.)Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography
  7. 2024
    Top Cited Paper Award (Rajendran et al.)IOP Publishing
  8. 2024
    Established Investigator Research Award 2024Office of Core Shared Services
  9. 2023
    Certificate of Merit (*Zhou et al)Radiological Society of North America
  10. 2023
    Best Scientific Exhibition Award (Yong et al.)Korean Congress of Radiology
  11. 2023
    John Caffey Award for Best Scientific Poster (Horst et al.)Society for Pediatric Radiology
  12. 2023
    Certificate of Merit (*Yalon et el.)Society of Abdominal Radiology
  13. 2022
    RSNA Trainee Research Prize (*Yalon et al.)Radiological Society of North America
  14. 2022
    Certificate of MeritRadiological Society of North America
  15. 2022
    Certificate of Merit (*Yalon et el.)Society of Abdominal Radiology
  16. 2021
    Certificate of Merit (*Yalon et el.)Radiological Society of North America
  17. 2021
    Digestive Disease Week Poster of DistinctionAmerican Gastroenterology Association
  18. 2021
    Digestive Disease Week Poster of DistinctionAmerican Gastroenterology Association
  19. 2020
    2020 RSNA Honored Education AwardRadiological Society of North America
  20. 2020
    2020 RSNA Cum Laude AwardRadiological Society of North America
  21. 2020
    Distinguished Investigator by the Academy for Radiology and Biomedical Imaging Research, 2021Academy for Radiology & Biomedical Imaging Research
  22. 2020
    AJR Platinum Distinguished Reviewer Achievement AwardAmerican Roentgen Ray Society
  23. 2019
    Certificate of Merit: Challenges in Diagnosis and Management of Hemobilia (poster)Radiological Society of North America
  24. 2019
    2019 RSNA Honored Educator AwardRadiological Society of North America
  25. 2019
    AJR Gold Distinguished Reviewer Achievement AwardAmerican Roentgen Ray Society
  26. 2018
    Acta Radiological International Scientific Prize 2017 for article: A multi-reader in vitro study using porcine kidneys to determine the impact of integrated circuit detectors and iterative reconstruction on the detection accuracy, size measurement, and radiation dose for small (<4?mm) renal="" />Acta Radiological International
  27. 2017
    The Roentgen Fund Lecture in Honor of Dr. Joseph K.T. LeeAmerican Roentgen Ray Society
  28. 2016
    Cum LaudeRadiology Society of North America
  29. 2016
    Certificate of MeritSociety of Abdominal Radiology
  30. 2016
    Certificate of MeritSociety of Abdominal Radiology
  31. 2015
    Magna Cum Laude for Educational Exhibit: Vascular Lesions at Multi-phase CT Enterography for Obscure GI Bleeding (OGIB): Theme and VariationsRadiological Society of North America
  32. 2015
    Magna Cum Laude for Educational Exhibit: Third-Generation Dual-Source CT: Advances and Advantages in Clinical PracticeRadiological Society of North America
  33. 2014
    Author's Choice 2014The International Journal of Medical Physics Research and Practice
  34. 2010
    Cum Laude AwardRadiological Society of North America
  35. 2009
    Certificate of Merit AwardESGAR
  36. 2008
    Cum Laude AwardRadiological Society of North America
  37. 2008
    Centocor Inflammatory Bowel Disease AwardAmerican College of Gastroenterology
  38. 2008
    Phillip H. Meyers Annual Research Grant for 2008Society of Gastrointestinal Radiologists
  39. 2006
    CT Enterography as a Diagnostic Tool in Small Bowel Disorders: Review of Over 700 Cases. RSNA Education Exhibit Certificate of Merit Award.Radiological Society of North America
  40. 2006
    Certificate of Merit. Education Exhibit (Co-investigator)Radiological Society of North America
  41. 2005
    The Relationship Between Noise, Dose, and Pitch in Cardiac Multi-Detector Row CT (MDCT). RSNA Education Exhibit Certificate of Merit Award.Radiological Society of North America Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting Program, Chicago, IL
  42. 2005
    Certificate of Merit. Education Exhibit (Co-investigator)Radiological Society of North America
  43. 2004
    Non-cardiac 64 Detector CT Angiography: Initial Experience. Awarded Best Poster in Clinical Research of Vascular Disease. (Co-investigator)3rd Mayo Vascular Symposium
  44. 2004
    Clinical Innovator AwardFlight Attendants Medical Research Institute
  45. 2004
    Evaluation of the Rectum with Computed Tomographic Colonography: Benign and Malignant Lesions and Pitfalls with Endoscopic Correlation. Cum Laude and Excellence in Design Award. (Co-investigator)Radiological Society of North America
  46. 2004
    Carman Award for Research in Radiology.Department of Radiology
  47. 2002
    Digestive Disease Week (DDW) Poster of Distinction, Combined ScienceAmerican Gastroenterological Association
  48. 2001
    Roscoe E. Miller Award for Best Original Scientific Paper (Co-investigator)Society of Gastrointestinal Radiologists
  49. 2000
    Magna Cum Laude, Educational ExhibitsRadiological Society of North America
  50. 1999
    Picker/Association of University Radiologists Faculty Development ProgramAwarding Organization
  51. 1998
    Third Place, Scientific Program (Poster)Society of Gastrointestinal Radiology
  52. 1997
    Resident Teaching Award, Department of RadiologyUniversity of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, Carver College of Medicine, University of Iowa
  53. 1997
    Cum Laude Award, Scientific ProgramRadiological Society of North America
  54. 1995
    Introduction to Research ProgramRadiological Society of North America/American Roentgen Ray Society/Association of University Radiologists
  55. 1990
    1990 Volunteer Service AwardCenter for Community Career Education, Chattanooga, Tennessee
  56. 1989
    Magna Cum Laude, High Honors in ChemistryUniversity of Tennessee, Chattanooga
  57. 1989
    Sigma Xi First Place Research AwardUniversity of Tennessee, Chattanooga
  58. 1982
    Brock ScholarshipUniversity of Tennessee, Chattanooga

Professional memberships

  1. 2022 - 2023
    Section CouncillorAmerican Gastroenterological Association
  2. 2021 - 2022
    PresidentSociety of Abdominal Radiology
  3. 2021 - 2022
    PresidentSociety of Abdominal Radiology
  4. 2019 - 2020
    Committee MemberAmerican College of Radiology Colon Cancer Committee
  5. 2019
    Organizing Committee MemberCrohn's and Colitis Foundation of America
  6. 2018 - present
    Active MemberAmerican College of Radiology
  7. 2018 - 2019
    Board of DirectorsSociety of Abdominal Radiology
  8. 2018 - present
    Active MemberCrohn's and Colitis Foundation of America
  9. 2018
    Director of EducationSociety of Abdominal Radiology (SAR)
  10. 2017 - present
    CouncilorAmerican Gastroenterology Association
  11. 2014
    CouncilorAmerican Gastroenterological Association Institute Council for Imaging & Advanced Technology
  12. 2014 - 2017
    Board MemberSAR Ad Hoc Annual Meeting Council Advisory Board, Society of Abdominal Radiology (Merger of SGR and SUR)
  13. 2013 - present
    Chair, Disease Focused Panel Oversight CommitteeSociety of Abdominal Radiology
  14. 2013
    FellowSociety of Abdominal Radiology (Merger of SGR and SUR)
  15. 2012 - present
    MemberSociety of Abdominal Radiology (Merger of SGR and SUR)
  16. 2011 - 2013
    Chair, Crohn's Disease Focused PanelSociety of Abdominal Radiology
  17. 2011 - 2013
    Co-ChairSociety of Abdominal Radiology; Crohn's Disease Focused Panel
  18. 2008 - present
    MemberGrant Review Panels, National Institutes of Health
  19. 2006
    Member2006 Diagnostic Radiology Written Examination Test Assembly Meeting, Tucson, Arizona, American Board of Radiology
  20. 2005 - 2007
    MemberItem Writing, American Board of Radiology
  21. 2005 - 2006
    Question Reviewer2006 Diagnostic Radiology Written Examination Test Assembly Meeting, Tucson, Arizona, American Board of Radiology
  22. 2004 - present
    Medical DirectorCT Clinical Innovation Center, Department of Radiology
  23. 2004 - present
    MemberCT Clinical Innovation Center, Department of Radiology
  24. 2003 - present
    MemberClinical Practice Committee, Division of Abdominal Imaging, Department of Radiology
  25. 2002 - 2012
    MemberSociety of Gastrointestinal Radiologists
  26. 2002 - 2005
    Vice ChairResearch Committee, Department of Radiology
  27. 2002 - 2005
    ChairResearch Committee, Department of Radiology
  28. 2001 - 2002
    MemberCT Informatics Committee, Department of Radiology
  29. 2001
    MemberAmerican Association for the Advancement of Science
  30. 2000 - present
    MemberResearch Committee, Department of Radiology
  31. 2000 - present
    MemberStaff Development Committee, Department of Radiology
  32. 1999 - present
    MemberRadiological Society of North America
  33. 1999 - present
    MemberAmerican Roentgen Ray Society


Research activities

See a description of research activities.