科室耳鼻喉科 (ENT) /头颈外科专业团队脑肿瘤项目耳科和神经科综合颅底专科门诊地点Jacksonville, Florida语言English现有患者通过患者门户发送安全消息 Video Player Dialog Box Close Video 我是 Joe Breen,是妙佑医疗国际佛罗里达州杰克逊维尔市院区的一名耳鼻喉科医生,也是一名耳科医生。当患者来看病时,我认为重点在于让他们知道,我将会和他们一起解决问题。因此,问诊的一部分内容就是了解患者的症状、检查结果,查看他们的影像检查结果,检查他们的耳朵。但实际上,最关键的是了解他们想要解决的问题。是想听到孙子们的声音吗? 还是每次游泳都会发生耳部感染,想要重新下水游泳? 因此,在我了解他们想要解决的问题之后,就能更好地帮助他们解决问题。行医最有成就感的因素之一在于,一切总在不断变化,总有新发现,对于我们多年来一直试图解决的问题,总会有新的思考方式。这意味着我永远不会对工作感到厌倦。总是有一系列新的问题要解决。总是有新的诊断需要思考和学习,在我职业生涯的余下时间里,这将始终是一件值得追求的有意义又有趣的事情。我早期关于医学的许多经历其实都是在自己的家庭中获得的。我的父亲是一名医生,曾在妙佑医疗国际工作多年。我看到了如何照料他人的好榜样,以及真正热爱自己工作的人。如果有人考虑来妙佑医疗国际就诊,我希望他们知道,如果他们来找我,我会与他们站在一起帮助他们解决问题。 请参见副本 Watch my video Get to know me and my work at Mayo Clinic Open Video Modal Biographical summaryDr. Breen is an Otolaryngologist — Head and Neck surgeon with sub specialization and board certification in Otology and Neurotology. His clinical focuses and interests include: Chronic ear disease and cholesteatoma Treatment for hearing loss, including cochlear implantation, bone conduction hearing devices, and stapedotomy Vestibular schwannoma and other tumors of the ear and lateral skull base Pulsatile tinnitus He has been actively involved with the education of residents and fellows. His research and publication efforts have examined treatments for ear and skull base diseases as well as applications of temporal bone imaging techniques. Conditions treatedAcoustic neuromaAge-related hearing lossCholesteatomaConductive hearing lossCSF leakEar canal stenosisEncephaloceleFacial nerve tumorGlomus tumorHearing lossMastoiditisMeniere's diseaseMiddle ear diseaseMiddle ear infectionMiddle ear tumorOtosclerosisPulsatile tinnitusRuptured eardrumSensorineural hearing lossSkull base tumorSuperior semicircular canal dehiscenceTemporal bone cancerTemporal bone fractureTympanic membrane retraction Procedures performedAcoustic neuroma surgeryBone-anchored hearing aid surgeryCochlear implant procedureCSF leak surgeryEar surgeryFacial nerve decompressionLateral skull base surgeryMastoidectomyMiddle ear reconstructionMiddle ear surgeryOssicular chain reconstructionStapedectomySuperior canal dehiscence surgeryTympanoplasty InterestsLateral skull base tumorsVestibular schwannomaOtosclerosisCochlear implantationChronic ear disease and cholesteatomaSuperior semicircular canal dehiscenceCerebrospinal fluid leakHearing lossPulsatile tinnitus Mayo Clinic locations Jacksonville, Florida Driving Directions More info Billing & insurance Accessibility services Education2016Fellowship - Fellowship in NeurotologyBaylor College of Medicine2014ResidentOtolaryngology, Programs in Rochester, Mayo School of Graduate Medical Education, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine2009MDNorthwestern University2005BA - B.A. PhysicsNorthwestern UniversityShow more education Activities and honorsCertifications2018NeurotologyAmerican Board of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery2015Otolaryngology-Head & Neck SurgeryAmerican Board of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck SurgeryAwards and honors2021Top Doctors Cincinnati Magazine 2015Top Rated PosterAAO-HNSF Annual Meeting 2015 Poster Session 2014Mayo Clinic Otorhinolaryngology In-Service Exam Award Mayo Clinic Otorhinolaryngology In-Service Exam Award 2013Mayo Clinic Otorhinolaryngology In-Service Exam Award Mayo Clinic Otorhinolaryngology In-Service Exam Award 2009Distinction in ResearchNorthwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine Show more awards and honorsProfessional memberships2023 - presentDirectorTemporal Bone Laboratory2020 - presentActive MemberNorth American Skull Base Society 2020 - 2021DirectorWest Chester Hospital Site Director, Otolaryngology Residency, University of Cincinnati 2018 - 2021DirectorNeurosensory Disorders Center, University of Cincinnati Gardner Neurosciences Institute,Center of Excellence Director 2018 - presentMemberMedical Informatics Committee, American Academy of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery, 2017 - presentActive FellowAmerican Neurotology Society 2017 - presentMember, Imaging Committee, American Academy of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery2014 - presentMemberAmerican Academy of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck SurgeryShow more professional membershipsPublicationsSee my publicationsResearch activitiesSee a description of research activities. Biographical summaryConditions treatedProcedures performedInterestsMayo Clinic locationsEducationActivities and honors Request an appointment PST-20522057 医生与医务人员 Breen, Joseph T. M.D.