Possible causes of high blood protein include:

  1. Amyloidosis
  2. Dehydration — when the body doesn't have enough water and other fluids to work as it should.
  3. Hepatitis B
  4. Hepatitis C
  6. Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS)
  7. Multiple myeloma

A high-protein diet doesn't cause high blood protein.

High blood protein is not a specific disease or condition. It's usually a lab test result found while checking another condition or symptom. For instance, high blood protein is found in people who are dehydrated. However, the real cause is that the blood plasma is more concentrated.

Certain proteins in the blood may be high as your body fights an infection or inflammation. People with certain bone marrow diseases, such as multiple myeloma, may have high blood protein levels before they show any other symptoms.

The role of proteins

Proteins are large, complicated molecules that are vital to the function of all cells and tissues. They are made in many places throughout the body and circulate in the blood.

Proteins take a variety of forms, such as albumin, antibodies and enzymes, and have many different functions, including:

  • Helping fight disease.
  • Regulating body functions.
  • Building muscles.
  • Transporting medicines and other substances throughout the body.

Causes shown here are commonly associated with this symptom. Work with your doctor or other health care professional for an accurate diagnosis.

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Oct. 31, 2024