News Feb. 12, 2025 Screening patients who experience traumatic injury for mental health effects In this article, a trauma program manager talks about a PTSD work group he's been part of that is working to screen and meet the mental health needs of patients who have experienced trauma. Feb. 12, 2025 Toward a new way of providing emergency and trauma care for older adults Two medicine professionals are leading an effort to implement the newest ACS geriatric guidelines and prepare Mayo Clinic's emergency department for Level 1 geriatric emergency department ACEP accreditation. Feb. 12, 2025 Care options for patients with rib fracture Trauma professionals have encountered increasing numbers of rib fractures in recent years. Review care for rib fractures, current thinking related to pain management and rib stabilization eligibility. Feb. 12, 2025 Potential complications of winter falls: injury and hypothermia Wintertime is when emergency and trauma healthcare professionals especially see many patients who have fallen. Falls can result in a variety of traumatic injuries and even hypothermia if an individual falls while alone.[...] Oct. 01, 2024 Hunting-related gunshot injuries: Promoting safety and treating injuries Unintentional injuries may occur when hunting with firearms. In a Q&A, Mayo Clinic Trauma Center adult medical director talks about his experiences and how to help at the scene or at your trauma center. Oct. 01, 2024 Be smart about tree stand use this fall When hunting, individuals must know how to stay safe using tree stands. If a patient with a tree stand injury presents at your trauma center, see some tips for immediate care. Oct. 01, 2024 Innovative new technologies improve care for patients with traumatic injury A second-generation supraglottic airway device helps quickly secure an injured patient's airway if intubation isn't possible. A video laryngoscopy provides a visual recording of all intubation attempts, facilitating con[...] Oct. 01, 2024 Enhancing training for pediatric injury care beyond the trauma bay Mayo Clinic offers a Pediatric Trauma Across the Care Continuum (PTACC) course for nurses who care for admitted injured children. PTACC is enrolling Mayo Clinic nurses and is soon to expand to external nurses. June 11, 2024 Your local trauma center and drowning prevention, treatment As summer begins, your trauma center can disseminate drowning prevention messages communitywide. If a patient presents with a drowning injury, the adult trauma medical director has treatment suggestions. June 11, 2024 Don't get burned by the Fourth of July: Encourage smart fireworks use in your community Lighting consumer fireworks is a common Fourth of July tradition. Mayo Clinic trauma surgeons offer injury prevention tips to publicize in your community and recommendations for initial treatment for patients who presen[...] June 11, 2024 Campfires: Preventing and treating pediatric burn injuries in your community Campfires are common in warm weather in the Upper Midwest. A Mayo Clinic pediatric trauma surgeon offers injury prevention tips to disseminate in your community and treatment guidelines if burns arise. March 19, 2024 ASSET cadaver-based course offered nationwide A new ACS anatomical course teaches access to vascular and trauma-related injuries through hands-on work with cadavers. The course offers a low student-to-faculty ratio for optimal interaction and guidance for learners.[...] March 19, 2024 A case of thoracic penetrating trauma in a teen boy A Minnesota teen is stabbed while bike riding. Quick action by family and effective local trauma center and Mayo Clinic care help him survive grave thoracic injuries. March 19, 2024 Trauma care up close in Da Nang, Vietnam A Mayo Clinic trauma surgeon answers questions about his trauma care observations at a Vietnamese hospital on a Mayo Clinic Global Health Program trip. Jan. 17, 2024 The role of healthcare professionals in opioid addiction prevention Amid opioid addiction's place as a leading U.S. public health concern, a Mayo Clinic hospitalist and addiction medicine specialist calls for opioid stewardship for healthcare professionals and describes what this entail[...] Jan. 17, 2024 Working with patients in a Level IV trauma center This article offers a look into trauma care at a Level 4 trauma center in St. James, Minnesota. It also presents RTTDC as a tool to help those providing care in similar circumstances. Jan. 17, 2024 New ACS requirement: Mental health screening for patients presenting for traumatic injury The ACS now requires patient mental health screening in Level I trauma centers. Mayo Clinic social work and psychology staff members also encourage awareness and screening for all trauma centers. Jan. 17, 2024 Transferring patients for best outcomes A Mayo Clinic trauma surgeon offers tips on best transfer protocols and how to optimize the process for best patient outcomes. Jan. 17, 2024 A patient with traumatic injury has had an MI: What's next for the patient's care? Daniel Stephens, M.D., Mayo Clinic Trauma Center adult trauma medical director, responds to diagnosis and initial treatment questions regarding patients who experience traumatic injury plus myocardial infarction. Oct. 03, 2023 Hand injuries on the farm In this article, a hand surgeon provides answers to common questions that trauma professionals may have as patients arrive with hand injuries from incidents on farms. Oct. 03, 2023 Important new developments in pediatric readiness Data now indicate higher ED pediatric readiness scores are associated with lower mortality. Such data has now moved the ACS to require trauma centers to take the readiness survey and create a gap plan. Oct. 03, 2023 Improving time to hemostasis for injured patients with advanced resuscitative care Jeffrey D. Kerby, M.D., Ph.D., FACS, indicates deploying advanced resuscitative care teams may be the answer for patients experiencing noncompressible torso hemorrhage who have limited time to get to hemostasis. Oct. 03, 2023 Insights on pediatric concussion diagnosis and management A pediatric physiatrist offers background as well as tips and suggestions for diagnosis and management of a pediatric concussion, also known as traumatic brain injury. Oct. 03, 2023 Eight tips for detecting and managing child abuse A Mayo Clinic pediatrician working with child abuse cases offers guidance to help you detect any abusive physical injuries in children and manage a challenging situation. June 23, 2023 Balancing transfusion needs of safety and immediacy for patients with traumatic injury Transfusing a patient who has experienced a traumatic injury can be a careful balancing act between maintaining safety and saving the life of the patient. June 23, 2023 Guidelines for staying safe while boating this season A Mayo Clinic Trauma Center injury prevention coordinator shares ideas for how to remain safe while on a boat and how to share these ideas communitywide. June 23, 2023 Eyes into the trauma patient An Eau Claire Emergency Medicine specialist shares his journey with ultrasound in the emergency room and trauma bay. He found that it makes an impact in differential diagnoses. June 23, 2023 Grieving the loss of a patient When a patient someone has been caring for dies, it can be difficult. Two Mayo Clinic staff members share their insights on how to help health care professionals contend with losing a patient. June 23, 2023 Fun excursion turns into an emergency for a Red Wing boy The Koenigs never expected their maiden family voyage and fishing trip to celebrate their son's preschool graduation to turn into a crash with a barge and a traumatic injury. March 10, 2023 Face to face with injury: Adult trauma medical director experiences snowboard crash Snowboarding in spring 2022, Brian D. Kim, M.D., Mayo Clinic adult trauma medical director, tumbled in an edge catch in the snow. He began a healing journey from a comminuted proximal humerus fracture. March 10, 2023 Winter sports safety: A Q&A with Kristi Colbenson, M.D. Kristi M. Colbenson, M.D., answers questions about winter sports injuries and injury prevention. She offers tips on treatment, pain management, counseling, documentation and dealing with challenging patient behavior. March 10, 2023 What has changed in the national field triage guidelines and what it means for you A physician leader in EMS and medical transport at Mayo Clinic explains what you need to know about the changes to the national field triage guidelines. Nov. 10, 2022 Resuscitation scheme for penetrating trauma A trauma surgeon discusses procedures for penetrating trauma resuscitation, how to avoid poor outcomes and decision-making regarding transfer. Nov. 10, 2022 Gun safety awareness for you and your community A trauma surgeon involved in gun sports and an injury prevention coordinator discuss what gun safety means, how to overcome objections and gun safety information to impart to your community. Nov. 10, 2022 The hows and whys of active shooter exercises Though active shooter exercises can take precious time, a trauma surgeon and senior emergency management coordinator discuss why they are crucial and offer tips for making them manageable. Nov. 10, 2022 Security and screening: Preventing gun incidents at your hospital Gun incidents aren't pleasant to consider, but they occur at hospitals of all sizes and locales. The Mayo Clinic deputy chief security officer offers perspectives and tips on preparedness. Oct. 20, 2022 When it's kids versus trampolines, kids often lose Trampoline injuries can be minor or serious, with 20% to 30% of children needing surgery. At Mayo Clinic, pediatric physicians are available 24/7 to assess trampoline injuries and recommend a course of action. July 30, 2022 Taking it on the chin: How to manage dental trauma Though patients with dental trauma may not be a daily occurrence at your facility, it's essential to know procedures for managing this situation. A Mayo Clinic oral and maxillofacial surgeon offers tips. July 30, 2022 Peeling back the onion: Emergency medical services Sometimes EMS providers are misunderstood by the public or hospital staff. Here, a physician discusses EMS roles, training and skills; how EMS assists hospital staff; and how EMS links prehospital to hospital care. July 30, 2022 MCI: Not a matter of if, but when Every medical facility should acknowledge that a mass casualty incident (MCI) will surely occur locally at some juncture and make a readiness plan and drill the plan. July 30, 2022 National PedsReady assessment: How it can help your medical center In this Q&A, pediatric trauma coordinator at Mayo Clinic in Minnesota talks about how this assessment can privately help your facility identify its pediatric readiness strengths and growth edges. May 07, 2022 Overcoming barriers to improve time to definitive care after rural traumatic injury Though there's debate about whether the golden hour represents a literal 60 minutes, one thing is clear: Transporting patients to definitive care rapidly is crucial to decrease mortality and morbidity. May 07, 2022 A reemerging role for whole blood in modern trauma care Mayo Clinic physicians share how whole blood use has waxed and waned in trauma care, currently becoming more common. They discuss advantages, history, availability in Southern Minnesota and context within recent blood s[...] May 07, 2022 Committee on Trauma makes measurable impact in its 100 years The Committee on Trauma (COT) has impacted global trauma medicine over its 100 years. A longtime COT participant discusses the COT's fo[...] May 07, 2022 The crucial role of tourniquets in trauma care An emergency medicine specialist discusses the role of tourniquets, tourniquet objections, a brief history of use, when to use tourniquets, improvised tourniquets and how to be prepared to use a tourniquet correctly. Feb. 05, 2022 The impaired trauma patient: Separating intoxication from medical condition A Mayo Clinic emergency medicine physician speaks to questions about seemingly impaired trauma patients and how to determine what is due to intoxication and what is due to a medical condition. Feb. 05, 2022 Perspectives on abusive head trauma in infants A pediatric emergency medicine physician shares his experiences with abusive head trauma in infants, along with the care provider's role in recognizing and reporting abuse, referral, and avoiding regret. Feb. 05, 2022 Optimizing care for adults with traumatic brain injury A physiatrist and a neurosurgeon at Mayo Clinic team up to talk about the range of traumatic brain injuries, including classification of the injury and care for the patient. Feb. 05, 2022 How Mayo Clinic has addressed hospital capacity challenges Many hospitals have encountered capacity issues recently. A trauma surgeon and vice chair for practice for the Admission and Transfer Center at Mayo Clinic in Minnesota address how Mayo has handled this challenge. Nov. 06, 2021 Bereavement and how to help families when patients die A visiting professor at Mayo Clinic's annual Mucha Lecture discusses relationship building with patients and families and how to deliver bad news to loved ones. Nov. 06, 2021 Refining Mayo Clinic's geriatric care: Geriatric certification effort The emergency department at Mayo Clinic in Minnesota plans to apply for geriatric certification. This article explains what the certification signifies, the application process and what it will mean for staff. Nov. 06, 2021 Identifying and addressing geriatric abuse This article explores the types of geriatric abuse, its risk factors, and distinguishing and addressing this kind of abuse. Nov. 06, 2021 The nuances of geriatric trauma care A Mayo Clinic geriatrician offers observations on trauma risk for older adults, geriatrics and trauma medicine collaboration, and areas for focus when seeing geriatric patients who've experienced traumatic injury. Aug. 12, 2021 Managing penetrating trauma A Mayo Clinic trauma surgeon who treated patients after the San Bernardino, California, mass shooting in 2015 offers insights on dealing with penetrating trauma cases. Aug. 12, 2021 Beyond the physical injury: Acute stress reaction In addition to physical care following a trauma, patients may need care for acute stress reaction, an emotional response to the event. Here's how to be prepared to help. Aug. 12, 2021 Young teen sustains severe pelvic injury in ATV crash: A case study A rolled ATV caused a unique injury for a young teen: pelvic fracture. The patient's orthopedic traumatologist shares some pointers for managing this type of injury. Aug. 12, 2021 An update on hemostatic resuscitation A trauma surgeon and the chair of Mayo Clinic Transfusion Medicine share what's changed with hemostatic resuscitation, plus intervention goals, preparation, use of adjuncts and cautions. May 08, 2021 A look at emergency preparedness and how to make it happen Planning for emergencies that might occur locally can take significant work, especially if preparedness is only part of your job. An emergency management expert offers information and tips for preparing in a manageable [...] May 08, 2021 When it's time to consider organ, tissue or eye donation in trauma care A Mayo Clinic Office of Decedent Affairs specialist and LifeSource coordinator answers questions trauma centers may have about organ, tissue or eye donations from their transferred trauma patients. May 08, 2021 Mass casualty triage guidelines revised Because a mass casualty can occur at any time near your facility, an efficient triage system is crucial. SALT, the new system, replaces START with better accuracy. May 08, 2021 Multimodal pain management: A better approach to pain control Opioid misuse concerns have led trauma practitioners to recommend multimodal pain control. A trauma surgeon talks about pain management revision and success requisites, the opioid epidemic, and current and future pain m[...] Feb. 07, 2020 How to address child physical abuse In a Q and A, the division chair for Mayo Clinic Child Abuse Pediatrics in Rochester, Minnesota, offers insights into child abuse and how you can manage care when this issue arises. Feb. 07, 2020 7 tips for a safe and efficient trauma patient transfer Two Mayo Clinic staff members heavily involved in transfer processes weigh in on how you can ensure a best-case trauma patient transfer. Feb. 07, 2020 TeleEM: An extra hand when you need it High-acuity patients can stretch human resources in a smaller medical facility. To maximize your ability to treat such patients, a telemedicine service called TeleEM is now available to provide extra help. Feb. 07, 2020 Treating survivors of interpersonal violence Two Mayo Clinic social workers talk about how to work with cases of potential interpersonal violence, plus current terminology, incidence, determinants and signs. Oct. 05, 2019 A grieving mother's lessons for health care providers A mother who lost her son to an intoxicated driver recollects the night of her son's death and the family's time at the hospital. She offers input for providers working with bereaved families. Oct. 05, 2019 Helping the bereaved: Patients' families and staff A Mayo Clinic palliative care leader shares how providers can help families of dying patients before or after their deaths, and how to help staff who treated the patient. Oct. 05, 2019 121A.38 Concussion Procedures Review 2019 Minnesota Statute 121A.38 Concussion Procedures from the Minnesota Legislature Office of the Revisor of Statutes. Oct. 05, 2019 Effective management of patients with moderate to severe head injury Mayo Clinic physicians discuss which patients with head injury need a Level 1 Trauma Center, what to do prior to transfer, medically futile care and how to learn more about head injury management. Oct. 05, 2019 Pediatric concussion: What trauma professionals need to know about discharge and recovery A Mayo Clinic physiatrist explains crucial points to cover in discharge instructions for families of children who have concussed to promote prompt recovery and avoid re-injury. Oct. 05, 2019 AskMayoExpert. Concussion: Child. AskMayoExpert Quick Reference Guide for Physicians delivers Mayo Clinic-vetted medical knowledge, answers to common clinical questions and need-to-know key facts ― all at the point of care. Learn more about management o[...] July 12, 2019 Resuscitation scheme changing for pediatric patients A Mayo Clinic pediatric surgeon explains shifts in resuscitation for children, including giving blood earlier and moving toward whole blood, and the impact on southern Minnesota trauma centers. July 12, 2019 Empowering southern Minnesota citizens to Stop the Bleed: Q&A with a trauma outreach coordinator A trauma outreach coordinator talks about the origin of Stop the Bleed kits, how southern Minnesotans can use them as immediate responders and how you can play a part. July 12, 2019 DOACs: Clear benefits, yet questions remain A Mayo Clinic pharmacist explains the benefits, concerns and uncertainties about direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs), including challenges with reversal, and what trauma professionals can do pre-transfer for patients inv[...] July 12, 2019 Innovations in blood and blood products for adult trauma patients Mayo Clinic surgeons share information about the latest in blood and blood products and the significance for patients and trauma professionals, plus future hopes for warm fresh whole blood use. May 03, 2019 Children's health and lives in the balance: Minnesota Pediatric Surge Plan A new Minnesota Pediatric Surge Plan has been launched in preparation for a potential incident involving a large volume of children. Learn about plan highlights and significance for the state. May 03, 2019 Helping elderly patients with rib fractures avoid serious respiratory complications Brian D. Kim, M.D., Mayo Clinic trauma surgeon, explains how managing rib fractures in the elderly is not just a science, but an art. May 03, 2019 Getting all on the same page to address pediatric fall prevention A Mayo Clinic study indicates perception differs among Minnesota health care workers on the leading pediatric traumatic injury cause. Read about efforts to inform, engage and address children's falls. May 03, 2019 Pneumothorax recognition and management critical to saving children's lives Subtle nuances add complexity to care of pediatric trauma patients. Christopher Moir, M.D., a Mayo Clinic pediatric and trauma surgeon, offers perspectives on children's pneumothorax risk, plus how to recognize and mana[...] Jan. 03, 2019 Game plan is key for children with extraglottic devices Pediatric airway management is inherently intricate. Managing an extraglottic airway device in a child who arrives at your hospital requires thoughtful and thorough preparation. Dawit T. Haile, M.D., Pediatric Anesthesi[...] Jan. 03, 2019 Avoiding the slip: Winter fall prevention Snow and ice present fall danger for Minnesotans in the winter months. Kim Lombard, Trauma Center injury prevention coordinator, offers information about risk factors for falls and tips to share with patients and commun[...] Jan. 03, 2019 Geriatric winter falls: When a simple bump on the ice can be serious Though falls on snow and ice may appear minor, serious injury — such as to the spinal cord — may result in older adults. Neurosurgeon Jeremy L. Fogelson, M.D., explains why and how providers can recognize an[...] Jan. 03, 2019 Adult patient arrived with an extraglottic airway in place — So now what? Adult patients increasingly arrive at hospitals with extraglottic airway devices in place. It's important to understand the use, types and risks of these devices, as well as procedures to follow for these patients' airw[...] Oct. 06, 2018 Closing the loop: The final step in the PI review process Event resolution is often missed in the performance improvement (PI) review process, yet it's also crucial. Here is what closing the loop on an issue really means and why it's imperative. Oct. 06, 2018 8 lessons trauma centers can learn from the Toward Zero Deaths injury prevention partnership The Toward Zero Deaths program may appear dauntingly large for trauma centers to emulate for their community injury prevention efforts, yet concepts gleaned from it may be useful for your hospital. Oct. 06, 2018 To image or not to image? Performing imaging may appear logical to determine the extent of patient injuries and provide information to families and receiving hospitals, yet time may not allow for it. James Homme, M.D., and Henry Schiller, M.D., [...] Oct. 06, 2018 How community partnerships can improve injury prevention efficiency and effectiveness In this Q&A, Kim Lombard, Mayo Clinic Trauma Center injury prevention coordinator, shares how community partnerships are essential for injury prevention and accomplish far more than working alone. Aug. 22, 2018 Action planning: Taking steps to create change Action planning is crucial to prevent repeating an identified event and to improve future patient care. Following the SMART acronym along with some key principles is helpful for an efficient and effective process. Aug. 22, 2018 Hand injuries: Who needs urgent transfer to see a hand surgeon? It can be challenging to determine which hand injuries need urgent transfer, which can be referred later, and which can be managed in the community. A Mayo Clinic hand surgeon offers insights on these injuries and appro[...] Aug. 21, 2018 Lawn mowers, ATVs and injury Warm weather ushers in a host of seasonal pediatric orthopedic injuries. It's important to recognize children are not simply small adults. They have unique requirements for treatment and need careful consideration to av[...] Aug. 21, 2018 Grandpa slipped on the bathroom rug Though some injuries in geriatric patients may seem innocuous, they may be far more serious than they appear. Resuscitation and subsequent transfer, admission and rehabilitation are notably distinctive from that of youn[...] May 29, 2018 Flail chest: An adult case study Surgical stabilization of rib fractures is becoming more widely accepted for adults with severe chest trauma. It has been shown to decrease ventilator and ICU days, reduce pneumonia risk, and improve overall outcomes. April 27, 2018 A blow to the eye: Ocular and orbital trauma Ocular and orbital injuries may require only observation or surgery spanning from simple to complex. A Mayo Clinic surgeon provides tips on this injury and the question of transfer. April 27, 2018 The performance improvement review process and how to make it work in any size hospital A performance improvement (PI) review process is essential and doable for all trauma centers — large and small — to examine events identified in a patient's care. April 27, 2018 Facial trauma from dog bite: A pediatric case study Any animal has the potential to bite a child, especially if its space is invaded. Denise E. Klinkner, M.D., M.Ed., discusses a dog bite case study, what may be gleaned from it and when to transfer these patients. April 27, 2018 Increasing trauma awareness and public readiness to assist Despite trauma ranking as the leading cause of death for those up to age 45, the public can overlook it. Trauma professionals must educate their community members about trauma, the role they can play as immediate respon[...] Jan. 09, 2018 A culture of safety: A critical atmosphere for performance improvement in trauma A culture of safety in trauma care is a transparent, blameless environment where any events transpiring in patient care may be raised by anyone involved and then be reviewed objectively. Jan. 06, 2018 'We're all ears': Understanding performance improvement and event identification Performance improvement (PI) is a mindset of continually seeking patient care improvement, even when outcomes are good. PI includes a series of steps, starting with event identification, or detecting a potential issue i[...] Jan. 05, 2018 Ice fishing injuries: Beyond hooks and hypothermia Ice fishing can involve unique risks for participants, ranging from orthopedic or musculoskeletal injuries to hot thermal injuries. Trauma practitioners need awareness of injuries they may anticipate treating as well as[...] Jan. 05, 2018 Tips for treating geriatric trauma patients Treating geriatric patients is not just like treating any other patient. They are more vulnerable than their younger counterparts, are likely to have more significant injuries and require specific screenings to provide [...] Oct. 06, 2017 Fractured: Repairing the acetabulum Acetabular fractures are complicated to repair. Best outcomes for patients are likely to be associated with consultation with a Level I trauma center, where specialists can review films and advise regarding next steps i[...] Oct. 06, 2017 Treating pain responsibly in the midst of an opioid epidemic How to treat pain appropriately and responsibly in the midst of an opioid epidemic in the U.S. is a key question for today's medical professionals. Pediatric anesthesiologist Tracy E. Harrison, M.D., provides some insig[...] Oct. 06, 2017 Trauma in pregnancy: A unique challenge Trauma is the leading cause of nonobstetric death in expectant mothers. Trauma surgeon Erica A. Loomis, M.D., discusses pitfalls to avoid when managing a case of trauma in a patient who is pregnant. Oct. 06, 2017 Case study: ATV rollover injures Minnesota girl A 14-year-old Minnesota girl's all-terrain vehicle (ATV) flipped on a gravel road en route to a school practice, leading to polytrauma. Her case provides important lessons in shock recognition and management. Jan. 06, 2017 School district staff learns bleeding control techniques After training nearly 400 people — mainly law enforcement officers — in bleeding control techniques, SMRTAC volunteers launched an effort to train school district staff. They started with Stewartville, Minne[...] Jan. 05, 2017 6-year-old undergoes rib stabilization surgery Mayo Clinic trauma surgeon Brian D. Kim, M.D., made history in 2016 when he performed the world's first surgical rib fracture stabilization in a 6-year-old boy with severe chest injuries. Jan. 05, 2017 Burn surge plans finalized New state and regional burn surge plans help provide for patient care when existing burn centers are overwhelmed. Oct. 11, 2016 The gun safety conversation: Risks and benefits A new study shows that half of U.S. children live in homes with guns. The American Academy of Pediatrics and most other medical organizations say it's time for health care providers to talk to patients about gun safety.[...] Oct. 11, 2016 The case for whole-blood transfusions in massive hemorrhage In an effort to improve outcomes for massively hemorrhaging patients, Mayo Clinic has instituted a stored whole-blood transfusion program. The goal is to one day expand it to include warm fresh whole-blood transfusions.[...] Oct. 11, 2016 Tracheostomy or cricothyroidotomy should be considered early for failed intubation in patients with head trauma Rescue airway exchange in the emergency department may not always be the best option for adults with severe head injuries. Oct. 11, 2016 Critical airway management in kids Anatomical differences between children and adults complicate emergency airway management, especially for providers with little pediatric experience. July 02, 2016 Helping kids cope with trauma As the front line in treating children and families dealing with traumatic stress, emergency providers not only manage pain and injuries but also provide emotional support and ensure ongoing psychological and social car[...] July 02, 2016 Pediatric torso injuries present unique challenges A child's unique anatomy makes torso injuries more challenging to diagnose and manage — and often more severe — than similar injuries in adults. July 01, 2016 Simulator teaches drivers to keep eyes on the road With funding from State Farm, the Southern Minnesota Regional Trauma Advisory Committee (SMRTAC) has acquired a distracted driving simulator. Reputable groups and organizations are welcome to use it. May 06, 2016 Reversing NOACs presents challenges Unlike warfarin, novel oral anticoagulants (NOACs) have no universal antidote. Options for reversing NOACs other than dabigatran range from holding the drug to administering four-factor prothrombin complex concentrate. May 06, 2016 What's wrong with this picture? With this issue, we start a new feature called Newsletter Flashback. We'll take a brief look at a topic we covered in an earlier issue and update you on the latest findings. Sometimes, not much has changed. And that's n[...] May 06, 2016 Training civilians to use military hemorrhage control techniques A new nationwide campaign aims to train lay people to control bleeding until first responders arrive on the scene of accidents and mass casualty attacks. The plan includes placing hemorrhage control kits in schools and [...] May 06, 2016 Many centers unprepared for pediatric mass casualties Children have historically been an afterthought in disaster planning. But as mass casualty incidents involving children become more common, pediatric disaster care should be a top priority. Jan. 08, 2016 How manikins may help save kids' lives Fancy equipment and state-of-the-art simulation centers aren't necessary for effective and powerful pediatric trauma simulations. Jan. 08, 2016 Mayo develops new decision aid for pediatric CT PECARN guidelines accurately identify children at high risk of TBI after minor head trauma, but are ambiguous about kids at moderate risk. New guidelines aim to fill the gap. Jan. 08, 2016 Rough sledding Each year, 25,000 people in the U.S. seek emergency care for sledding injuries, many of which are severe. Mayo's injury prevention coordinator says most can be prevented. Jan. 08, 2016 ATC, ECC expedite transfers, support referring providers The Admission and Transfer Center and Emergency Communications Center at Mayo Clinic's campus in Rochester, Minnesota, help ensure the timely transfer of seriously ill and injured patients. Physicians also are available[...] Oct. 03, 2015 Knowing what to look for is the first step in helping abused kids Emergency providers are often the only advocates abused children have. Performing a comprehensive evaluation is imperative, not only to provide timely medical care, but also to help keep kids safe. July 23, 2014 Run, hide, fight: Responding to an active shooter Mass shootings across the nation have prompted a re-evaluation of the way individuals, institutions and first responders react to them. Medical Professionals Trauma News