If making this recipe on the grill, use heavy-duty aluminum foil and place the packet off to the side of the flame. Turn midway through the cooking time.
Preheat the oven to 350 F.
Tear off 2 sheets of heavy duty aluminum foil or parchment paper, about 12-inchs each. Fold the foil or parchment paper in half. Unfold and spray with cooking spray.
Center 4 ounces of chicken breast on each sheet. Top each with zucchini, potato, onion, carrots and mushrooms. Sprinkle garlic powder and Italian seasoning on the chicken and vegetables.
Bring two sides of the parchment together over the food. Holding the edges, fold them over together to create a seal. Keep folding until you get almost to your ingredients. Keeping the part you folded together, seal the sides by folding those edges together. Crease the sides to make sure the packet doesn't leak.
Place the packet on a cookie sheet. Bake for 45 minutes, until chicken and vegetables are tender.
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