Resultados de la búsqueda 271-280 of 12010 for Pityriasis rosea
This partially randomized clinical trial studies cholecalciferol in improving survival in patients with newly diagnosed cancer with vitamin D insufficiency.
The purpose of this study is to answer whether plasma circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) obtained by serial analysis before, during, and following surgery, ...
The primary aim of this study is to determine if biomechanical properties of cardiac and large arterial walls measured by ultrasound-based novel imaging ...
This study is designed to: -analyze effects of surgical treatment -improve surgical care and quality of life of patients with hip problems/diseases
The purpose of this study is to confirm detection of the H3K27M mutation in patient biofluids (CSF, blood, urine, saliva) and uncover the molecular histone ...
The aim of this study is to compare the quality of life of patients with biliary obstruction who have undergone an endoscopic or percutaneous drainage.
Estar en forma — de estiramientos, flexibilidad, y ejercicio aeróbido a entrenamiento de fuerza y nutrición deportiva.
The purpose of this study is to assess the differences in microvascular anastomosis outcomes between the experiment aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (aSAH)- ...
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