Resultados de la búsqueda 271-280 of 8465 for 香港搜尋引擎入口 🔍
Rochester, Minn. The objective of this study is to evaluate the image quality and radiation dose of a CT angiography protocol (CTA) using tube potential ...
Acoustic neuromas (also known as vestibular schwannomas) are benign slow growing tumors that arise from the vestibular portion of the eighth cranial nerve.
The purpose of this study is to use a patient's own cells to fabricate a recellularized scaffold to repopulate the lung and restore function that could offer a ...
The purpose of this study is to evaluate how well bleomycin, carboplatin, etoposide, or cisplatin work in treating pediatric and adult patients with germ cell ...
The purpose of this study is to determine the overall rate of response of brain metastases in subjects with central nervous system (CNS) metastases due to ...
The algorithm will be developed using FHR measured serially throughout pregnancy. All offspring will undergo postnatal genetic testing for the parental mutation ...
The primary purpose of this study is to examine 1-year survival and rate of secondary infections in COVID-19 patients with and without acute kidney injury (AKI) ...
Evaluate the influence of the critical shoulder angle (CSA) on rotator cuff failure after total anatomic shoulder arthroplasty. Clinical Outcomes of Patients ...
To describe the clinical, laboratory, pathologic, imaging findings, therapy and outcomes in all patients with Fibromuscular Dysplasia (FMD) and/or segmental ...
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