Resultados de la búsqueda 251-260 of 10720 for prostate cancer
Accessed Oct. 3, 2019. Wein AJ, et al., eds. Radiation therapy for prostate cancer. In: Campbell-Walsh Urology. 11th ed. Elsevier; 2016. https://www.clinicalkey ...
This aim will be accomplished through qualitative focus group study of advanced prostate cancer patients who exhibit both extremes of financial toxicity.
Prevalence and predicting factors for commonly neglected sexual side effects to external-beam radiation therapy for prostate cancer. The Journal of Sexual ...
Cáncer de próstata · Solicite una Consulta · Síntomas y causas · Diagnóstico y tratamiento · Médicos y departamentos · Atención en. Mayo Clinic · Imprimir ...
Obtén información sobre la detección, los enfoques diagnósticos, las opciones de tratamiento y los avances para el cáncer de próstata, ...
Also, we will evaluate whether the peripheral blood immune cell function is different in B/AA prostate cancer patients with metastatic disease as compared with ...
The purpose of this study is to compare the effects (good and bad) on patients with prostate cancer by comparing the standard dose of radiation therapy (44 ...
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