Resultados de la búsqueda 241-250 of 8955 for 남양주출장안마여신
Por medio de este procedimiento quirúrgico para tratar los fibromas uterinos se intenta preservar la fertilidad usando una variedad de enfoques.
The purpose of this study is to learn about the effects of three study medicines (encorafenib, cetuximab, and pembrolizumab) given together for the ...
Aims, purpose, or objectives: We will conduct a pilot trial to test whether caregivers of heart and lung transplant candidates who receive wellness coaching ...
and/or disease duration, and whether there is a left-right difference in the density of a-syn pathology. Specific Aim 2. Determine, with a second SMG biopsy in ...
The purpose of this study is to collect blood and tissue samples from patients with and without cancer to evaluate laboratory tests for early cancer ...
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of immunotherapy drugs (ipilimumab and nivolumab) in treating patients with glioblastoma that has come ...
The purpose of this study is to evaluate whether or not semaglutide can slow down the growth and worsening of chronic kidney disease in people with type 2 ...
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the short-term outcomes and the quality of life (QOL) after cholecystectomy and hepatic artery infusion pump placement ...
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