Resultados de la búsqueda 161-170 of 14471 for the understanding and treatment of gynecological conditions
... ovarian cancer, including changes that occur with debulking surgery, chemotherapy, disease relapse, and subsequent therapy. A Study to Compare Letrozole ...
Filtra esta lista de estudios por sede, estatus, etc. Understanding the Relationship Between Benign Breast Tissue, Benign Breast Disease, and Breast Cancer ...
The purpose of this study is to address a knowledge gap. Early diagnosis of nerve root avulsion injuries following brachial plexus trauma remain a barrier ...
... treatment for the management of congenital heart disease. A Study to Assess ... disease and improve diagnostic tests. OBJECTIVES. To understand the pathogenesis, ...
In this case, we seek to understand the mechanism of tumor spread and determine why people respond differently to specific cancer treatments. In general terms, ...
This is a survey study to describe how women with Lynch syndrome are being screened for gynecologic cancer risk, their perception of cancer risk, and uptake of ...
The purpose of this study is to gain a better understanding of the treatment and significant morbidity associated with sinonasal cancer and identify the impact ...
Lee acerca de esta afección que causa síntomas vaginales y urinarios, a menudo después de la menopausia. También se llama síndrome genitourinario de la ...
... therapy such as bispecific and trispecific antibodies and the factors that may determine disease progression and treatment response. A Study to Create a ...
Diagnosis and treatment ... Recent advances in the understanding and management of polycystic ovary syndrome. ... Gynecological Endocrinology. 2021; doi:10.1080 ...
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