Resultados de la búsqueda 1591-1600 of 10832 for prostate cancer
Radiation is typically given in 6-7 weeks for head and neck cancer using X-ray therapy, but this study will administer treatment in approximately 3 weeks. To ...
Giving vinorelbine and VAC may kill more tumor cells. Adding maintenance therapy (vinorelbine and cyclophosphamide) after VAC therapy, with or without ...
Immunotherapy with monoclonal antibodies, such as nivolumab and ipilimumab, may help the body's immune system attack the cancer, and may interfere with the ...
The purpose of this study is to correlate gut microbiome with specific cancer diagnoses and the clinical response (effectiveness), and adverse effects of cancer ...
... Cáncer de colon, Cáncer de páncreas, carcinoma ... Mayo Clinic Minute: Improvements in prostate surgery June 14, 2024, 03:00 p.m. CDT ... Mayo Clinic Q and A: 5 ...
... tumor expresses the MAGE-A4 tumor antigen. ... Immunotoxins, such as inotuzumab ozogamicin, are antibodies linked to a toxic substance and may help find cancer ...
Collection of blood to track serial circulating tumor cells (CTCs) in subjects with metastatic breast cancer (MBC). Study will also collect data from ...
Estas cirugías parecen reducir el riesgo de cáncer de ovario porque la enfermedad suele aparecer en las trompas de Falopio, en vez de en los ovarios. La ...
El sistema reproductor masculino produce, almacena y transporta esperma. Los testículos producen esperma. El fluido de las vesículas seminales y la próstata se ...
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