Resultados de la búsqueda 91-100 of 6161 for stress
Some medicines, including those used to treat asthma, allergies and colds. Other things that may increase the risk of AVNRT include: Emotional stress. Caffeine.
Sometimes an echocardiogram is done during a stress test. CT scan of the lungs. You may need this test to check for a blood clot in the lungs, which may cause ...
Managing stress. NAMI. ... Atrial fibrillation and managing stress. Tu donación es muy poderosa ...
The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of a health coaching intervention on the stress and burden of caregivers of patients awaiting heart or lung ...
An echocardiogram shows the heart's size and how blood flows through the heart. Exercise stress tests. These tests often involve walking on a treadmill or ...
Specifically, thoracic pre-transplant caregivers report stress, symptoms of anxiety or depression, and perceive high caregiver burden. These factors may be ...
Specifically, thoracic pre-transplant caregivers report stress, symptoms of anxiety or depression, and perceive high caregiver burden. ... stress level, and ...
2021. May 10, 2023. Original article: .
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