Ensayos clínicos A continuación, se enumeran los ensayos clínicos actuales.426 estudios en Oncología (médica) (solo estudios abiertos). Filtra esta lista de estudios por sede, estatus, etc. Olaparib, Cediranib Maleate, and Standard Chemotherapy in Treating Patients With Small Cell Lung Cancer Jacksonville, Fla. This randomized phase II trial studies how well olaparib, cediranib maleate, and standard chemotherapy work in treating patients with small cell lung cancer. Drugs used in chemotherapy, such as carboplatin, cisplatin, and etoposide, work in different ways to stop the growth of tumor cells, either by killing the cells, by stopping them from dividing, or by stopping them from spreading. Olaparib and cediranib maleate may stop the growth of tumor cells by blocking some of the enzymes needed for cell growth. Olaparib, cediranib maleate, and standard chemotherapy may work better in treating patients with small cell lung cancer. A Study of Leukemia Inhibitory Factor Biomarker Monitoring Progression and Treatment Response of Locally-advanced Unresectable and Metastatic Pancreatic Cancer Therapies Jacksonville, Fla. The purpose of this study is to determine if LIF (Leukemia Inhibitory Factor) level is positively correlated with disease progression and CA19-9 level in Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma (PDAC) patients and is a reliable biomarker of response. Genetic Risk Estimation and Improving Health Disparities in Breast Cancer Screening of Racial Minorities Jacksonville, Fla. The aim of this study is to use the combine clinical risk assessment models that are already used in routine clinical practice with information derived from polygenic risk score (PRS) testing in women of racial minorities to see if this can improve adherence to recommended breast cancer screening and prevention strategies. A Study to Evaluate the da Vinci® Xi™ Surgical System in Nipple Sparing Mastectomy (NSM) Procedures Rochester, Minn., Jacksonville, Fla. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of the da Vinci Surgical Systems in Nipple Sparing Mastectomy procedures. PTT-936, an Alpha Kinase 1 (ALPK1) Activator, Alone or in Combination with Anti-PD-1/L1 in Patients with Locally Advanced or Metastatic Solid Tumors Rochester, Minn., Jacksonville, Fla., Scottsdale/Phoenix, Ariz. The primary objective of this study is to evaluate the safety and tolerability of a pharmacologically active dose (PAD) range of PTT-936, which may include identification of the MTD, administered as a single agent in patients with advanced unresectable or metastatic solid tumors who have progressed after exhaustion of standard of care (SOC) or a SOC is not available. Study of Treating Patients with Vestibular Schwannoma with Aspirin Rochester, Minn. The purpose of this study is to evaluate whether the administration of aspirin can delay or slow tumor growth and maintain or improve hearing in patients with vestibular schwannoma (VS). Assessing the Psychosocial and Financial Impact of CAR-T on Survivors and Caregivers Jacksonville, Fla., Rochester, Minn., Scottsdale/Phoenix, Ariz. Although survivorship recommendations have been developed in areas such as lymphoma and stem cell transplant, the long-term effects of CAR-T therapy are unknown. In addition, relatively little is known about the psychosocial impact of CAR-T on survivors and their caregivers. Due to the intensive nature of CAR-T treatment and its unique side effects, including neurotoxicity in the acute setting and infections and financial burden in the long-term setting, a longitudinal study that assesses these issues in a quantitative and qualitative fashion is required. Consideration of both patient and caregiver needs is important for the provision of appropriate and effective health services, particularly in intensive cancer treatments that require a caregiver, such as CAR-T. Our objective in this proposal is to define the long-term needs of CAR-T survivors using patient-reported health-related quality of life (QOL) measures, qualitative interviews, and adverse event data. The rationale for our proposed study is that it will provide the necessary knowledge on CAR-T survivor physical, mental, and social health to formulate a CAR-T specific survivorship program that can be implemented and studied in the future. We aim to recruit 100 subjects (50 survivors and 50 caregivers) to the study. Inclusion Criteria are the following: age ≥ 18, blood cancer diagnosis (including B-ALL, multiple myeloma, and lymphoma), receiving a CAR-T product, able to complete a written questionnaire in English either independently or with assistance, and able to perform a verbal interview either in person or via phone teleconference. We will survey patients at baseline and then at pre-specified timepoints up to 2 years after CAR-T. Survey questionnaires that have been previously validated in cancer populations will be used to assess: overall quality of life, psychosocial impact, cognitive function, post-traumatic stress, spiritual well-being, and financial toxicity. Patient demographics, adverse events, and comorbidities will also be collected via survey and/or medical record review. A selected subset of participants (10 survivors and 10 caregivers) will be chosen to undergo semi-structured open ended interviewing to obtain a qualitative understanding of unmet needs, social support, and distress. Data will be analyzed and compared to historical lymphoma and transplant cohorts. A Study of GDC-0199 (ABT-199) Plus MabThera/Rituxan (Rituximab) Compared with Bendamustine Plus MabThera/Rituxan (Rituximab) in Patients with Relapsed or Refractory Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Jacksonville, Fla. This open-label, randomized study will compare the efficacy of GDC-0199 plus rituximab (GDC-0199+R) with bendamustine plus MabThera/Rituxan (Rituximab) (B+R) in patients with relapsed or resistant chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Patients will be randomized 1:1 into the two arms. Patients randomized to GDC-0199+R will be given GDC-0199 daily (oral, target dose 400 mg) and will receive 6 cycles of rituximab infused intravenously (IV) on Day 1 of each 28-day cycle (Cycle 1: 375 mg/m2; Cycles 2-6: 500 mg/m2). Patients randomized to B+R will receive 6 cycles of treatment consisting of a rituximab infusion (Cycle 1: 375 mg/m2; Cycles 2-6: 500 mg/m2) on Day 1 and bendamustine infusions (70 mg/m2) on Days 1 and 2 of each 28-day cycle. Patients in the GDC-0199+R arm will continue GDC-0199 treatment until disease progression or 2 years since treatment start, whichever comes first. Anticipated time on study is up to 5 years. A Study to Evaluate Screening Contrast Enhanced Digital Mammogram (CEDM) in Study Participants at Intermediate Breast Cancer Risk and Polygenic Risk Score (PRS) Results Rochester, Minn. The purpose of this study is to evaluate a low-cost Contrast Enhanced Digital Mammogram (CEDM) protocol as a supplemental screening method to standard mammographic screening in women at intermediate lifetime-risk (and not undergoing annual MR surveillance) for breast cancer. A Study to Collect Clinical Data, Blood Samples, and Tissue Specimens from Patients with Metastatic Breast Cancer Rochester, Minn. The purposes of this study are (i) to obtain and study biospecimens from patients with breast cancer that has either spread out of the breast or recurred after initial treatment(s), such as surgery, chemotherapy, and/or radiation, and (ii) to collect information about patients, treatments, and the behavior of the underlying cancer. Research involving biospecimens that are linked to related medical information is one way to learn more about diseases. In this case, we seek to understand the mechanism of tumor spread and determine why people respond differently to specific cancer treatments. In general terms, scientists will study the cells, DNA, RNA, and proteins found in the tumor tissue and/or the blood to understand more about cancer and the body’s response to cancer and related treatments. Numeración de páginas Estudios clínicos AnteriorPágina anterior Ir a página 3636 Ir a página 3737 Ir a página 3838 Ir a página 3939 Ir a página 4040 SiguientePróxima página Solicite una consulta Conocimientos y categoríasInvestigación Dec. 24, 2024 Comparte en: FacebookTwitter U.S. News & World Report reconoce a Mayo Clinic en Rochester (Minnesota), Mayo Clinic en Jacksonville (Florida) y Mayo Clinic en Phoenix y Scottsdale (Arizona) entre los mejores hospitales oncológicos del país para el período 2024-2025. Lee más sobre este gran honor. Oncología (médica)Página inicialdel departamentoSeccionesDescripción generalEnfermedades tratadasMédicosGrupos especializadosConocimientos y categoríasEnsayos clínicosInvestigaciónExperiencias en Mayo Clinic y nuestros pacientes cuentan su historiaCostos y seguroNoticias de Mayo ClinicRemisiones Investigación: los pacientes son la prioridad Mostrar la transcripción Para video Investigación: los pacientes son la prioridad [SUENA MÚSICA] Dr. Joseph Sirven, profesor de Neurología, Mayo Clinic: La misión de Mayo se centra en el paciente. La prioridad es el paciente. Aquí, la misión y la investigación se hacen para progresar en la forma de ayudar mejor al paciente y para asegurarnos de que el paciente sea la prioridad en la atención médica. De muchas maneras, esto equivale a un ciclo. Puede comenzar con algo tan simple como una idea que se desarrolla en un laboratorio, se traslada a la atención directa del paciente y, si todo sale bien y resulta útil o beneficioso, pasa a ser el método estándar. Creo que una de las características tan singulares de la forma de investigar en Mayo es la concentración en el paciente, y es lo que realmente le ayuda a captar la atención de todos. SeccionesSolicite una ConsultaDescripción generalEnfermedades tratadasMédicosGrupos especializadosConocimientos y categoríasEnsayos clínicosInvestigaciónExperiencias en Mayo Clinic y nuestros pacientes cuentan su historiaCostos y seguroNoticias de Mayo ClinicRemisiones ORG-20180179 Centros y departamentos médicos Oncología (médica)