Ensayos clínicos A continuación, se enumeran los ensayos clínicos actuales.45 estudios en Programa de tumores cerebrales (solo estudios abiertos). Filtra esta lista de estudios por sede, estatus, etc. Blood-Brain Barrier Disruption (BBBD) for Liquid Biopsy in Subjects With GlioBlastoma Brain Tumors Rochester, Minn. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of using Exablate Model 4000 Type-2.0/2.1 in adults with Glioblastoma brain tumors to increase temporarily the permeability of the blood brain barrier, allowing increased passage of circulating free DNA (cfDNA) for sampling and analysis. A Study of Nivolumab and Multi-fraction Stereotactic Radiosurgery with or without Ipilimumab in Treating Participants with Recurrent Grade II-III Meningioma Rochester, Minn., Jacksonville, Fla., Scottsdale/Phoenix, Ariz. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the side effects and best dose of nivolumab when given together with multi-fraction stereotactic radiosurgery and to see how well they work with or without ipilimumab in treating participants with grade II-III meningioma that has come back. Monoclonal antibodies, such as nivolumab and ipilimumab, may interfere with the ability of tumor cells to grow and spread. Stereotactic radiosurgery is a specialized radiation therapy that delivers a single, high dose of radiation directly to the tumor and may cause less damage to normal tissue. It is not yet known whether giving nivolumab and multi-fraction stereotactic radiosurgery with or without ipilimumab may work better in treating participants with grade II-III meningioma. A Registry Called Every Child for Collecting Data and Biology Specimens on Younger Patients with Cancer Rochester, Minn. The purpose of this registry called Every Child, is to collect data and biospecimens from multiple body sources for younger patients with cancer over time. Gathering health information over time from younger patients with cancer may help doctors find better methods of treatment and on-going care. A Study to Develop Liquid Biopsy for Pediatric Brain Tumor Patients Rochester, Minn. The purpose of this study is to confirm detection of the H3K27M mutation in patient biofluids (CSF, blood, urine, saliva) and uncover the molecular histone (alkaline protein) profile of H3K trimethylation and H3S phosphorylation in the circulating nucleosomes isolated from the biofluids of patients with H3K27M tumors. Gemini Study to Evaluate the Integration of Cancer Genetic Testing into a Cancer Clinical Practice at Mayo Clinic at Arizona Jacksonville, Fla., Scottsdale/Phoenix, Ariz. The purpose of this study is to determine the prevalence of genetic mutations in cancer patients from various ethnic populations seeking care at Mayo Clinic cancer clinics. Efficacy and Safety of REC-2282 in Participants with Progressive NF2 Mutated Meningiomas (POPLAR-NF2) Rochester, Minn. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effectiveness and safety of REC-2282 in patients with progressive NF2 mutated meningiomas who have either NF2 disease-related meningioma or sporadic meningiomas that have NF2 mutations. Perfusion MRI for Therapy Response Assessment in Brain Cancer Scottsdale/Phoenix, Ariz. The purpose of this study is to improve patient care by optimizing and measuring magnetic resonance imaging methods for the early detection of brain cancer response to therapy. Mayo Clinic Cancer Center Neuro-Oncology Program Registry and Biobank for the Study of Nervous System Tumors Rochester, Minn. Biospecimen banks are a modern attempt to centralize collections of human blood and tissue samples along with health information and personal history. The Neuro-Oncology Program Registry and Biobank will be used for research purposes to increase our understanding of nervous system tumors. A Study of Lutetium Lu 177 Dotatate (Lutathera®) in Patients with Inoperable, Progressive Meningioma after External Beam Radiation Therapy Rochester, Minn. The purpose of this study is to estimate the efficacy of LUTATHERA treatment in patients with recurrent grade 1 meningioma as measured by 6-month PFS rate, and to estimate the efficacy of LUTATHERA treatment in patients with recurrent grade 2 or 3 meningioma as measured by 6-month PFS rate. A Study to Develop a Biorepository of Blood Samples from Cancer Patients Participating in the Gemini (IRB 19-006717) Protocol Jacksonville, Fla., Scottsdale/Phoenix, Ariz. The purpose of this study is to develop a biorepository of blood samples from cancer patients participating in the Gemini (IRB 19-006717) protocol. These samples will be used for future biomarker discovery and other translational studies. Numeración de páginas Estudios clínicos AnteriorPágina anterior Ir a página 22 Ir a página 33 Ir a página 44 Ir a página 55 SiguientePróxima página Solicite una consulta Pericia & clasificacionesInvestigación June 15, 2024 Comparte en: FacebookTwitter U.S. News & World Report reconoce a Mayo Clinic de Rochester (Minnesota), Mayo Clinic de Phoenix y Scottsdale (Arizona) y Mayo Clinic de Jacksonville (Florida) entre los mejores hospitales del país para neurología y neurocirugía en el período 2024-2025. Obtén más información sobre este gran honor Programa de tumores cerebralesPágina inicialdel departamentoSeccionesSolicita una cita médicaPanorama generalAnálisis y procedimientosEnfermedades que se tratanMédicosMédicos por sede y especialidadGrupos especializadosPericia & clasificacionesEnsayos clínicosInvestigaciónCostos & seguro médicoNoticias de Mayo ClinicRemisiones Investigación: los pacientes son la prioridad Mostrar la transcripción Para video Investigación: los pacientes son la prioridad [SUENA MÚSICA] Dr. Joseph Sirven, profesor de Neurología, Mayo Clinic: La misión de Mayo se centra en el paciente. La prioridad es el paciente. Aquí, la misión y la investigación se hacen para progresar en la forma de ayudar mejor al paciente y para asegurarnos de que el paciente sea la prioridad en la atención médica. De muchas maneras, esto equivale a un ciclo. Puede comenzar con algo tan simple como una idea que se desarrolla en un laboratorio, se traslada a la atención directa del paciente y, si todo sale bien y resulta útil o beneficioso, pasa a ser el método estándar. Creo que una de las características tan singulares de la forma de investigar en Mayo es la concentración en el paciente, y es lo que realmente le ayuda a captar la atención de todos. SeccionesSolicita una cita médicaPanorama generalAnálisis y procedimientosEnfermedades que se tratanMédicosMédicos por sede y especialidadGrupos especializadosPericia & clasificacionesEnsayos clínicosInvestigaciónCostos & seguro médicoNoticias de Mayo ClinicRemisiones ORG-20439710 Centros y departamentos médicos Programa de tumores cerebrales