Busca un médico

Mohamed Y. Rady, M.B., B.Chir., M.D.

  1. Critical Care Specialist

Grupos especializados



  1. Shock
  • Shock and resuscitation
  • Oxygen transport
  • Clinical outcome research
  • Ethical issues related to cultural diversity and end-of-life care
  1. 2020
    FellowAmerican College of Critical Care Medicine
  2. 1998
    FellowRoyal College of Physicians of the United Kingdom
  3. 1995
    Fellow - Anesthesia Critical Care Medicine - 12 months, FellowshipDepartment of Anesthesiology, Cleveland Clinic Foundation
  4. 1994
    Resident - Emergency Medicine ResidencyDepartment of Emergency Medicine, Henry Ford Hospital
  5. 1991
    MD - Doctorate Degree: Doctor of Medicine from the University of Cambridge is a higher doctorate of the University achieved by a programme of research and examination by viva. It is regarded as the equivalent of a Ph.D.University of Cambridge
  6. 1989
    Senior House Officer/Registrar - Critical Care Fellowship, Department of Anesthesia & Intensive Care MedicineWithington Hospital
  7. 1988
    FellowRoyal College of Surgeons of England
  8. 1988
    Senior House Officer - Senior Resident House Office, Department of General SurgeryWithington Hospital
  9. 1987
    FellowRoyal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh
  10. 1986
    Senior House Officer - Senior Resident House Officer, Department of Surgical OncologyChristie Hospital
  11. 1986
    Senior House Officer - Resident House Officer; Orthopedics, Rheumatology and General MedicineWythenshawe Hospital
  12. 1985
    MA - Degree of Master of ArtUniversity of Cambridge
  13. 1985
    Senior House Officer - Resident House Officer, Department of Accident Surgery & Emergency MedicineRoyal Hospital
  14. 1985
    House Surgeon - Department of General SurgeryAddenbrooks Hospital
  15. 1984
    House Physician - Department of Cardiology & General MedicineCity General Hospital, Stoke-on-Trent, United Kingdom
  16. 1984
    MB - Degree of Bachelor of MedicineUniversity of Cambridge
  17. 1983
    MB, B ChirCambridge University
  18. 1983
    B.Chir - Degree of Bachelor of SurgeryUniversity of Cambridge
  19. 1981
    BA - BiochemistryGonville & Caius College, University of Cambridge
  20. 1981
    BA - Schuldum Plate of Gonville & CaiusGonville & Caius College, University of Cambridge
  21. 1980
    Scholarship - Part IB Medical Sciences TriposCambridge University
  22. 1979
    Scholarship - Part IA Medical Sciences TriposCambridge University


  1. 2014
    Critical Care MedicineAmerican Board of Emergency Medicine
  2. 2013
    Neurocritical CareUnited Council of Neurologic Subspecialities
  3. 1996
    Emergency MedicineAmerican Board of Emergency Medicine
  4. 1988
    General SurgeryRoyal College of Surgeons England
  5. 1987
    General SurgeryRoyal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh

Awards and honors

  1. 2013
    Presidential Citation of the American College of Critical Care Medicine, ACCM Ethics Committee. 42nd Critical Care Congress January 19-23, 2013, San Juan, Puerto RicoAmerican College of Critical Care Medicine
  2. 2012
    Presidential Citation of the American College of Critical Care Medicine, ACCM Ethics Committee. 41st Critical Care Congress February 4-8, 2012, Houston, Texas, USA On-Site ProgramAmerican College of Critical Care Medicine
  3. 2011
    Presidential Citation of the American College of Critical Care Medicine, ACCM Ethics Committee.40th Critical Care Congress January 15-19, 2011, San Diego, California, USA On-Site ProgramAmerican College of Critical Care Medicine
  4. 2010
    Presidential Citation of the American College of Critical Care Medicine, ACCM Ethics Committee. 39th Critical Care Congress January 9-13, 2010. Miami Beach, Florida, USA American College of Critical Care Medicine
  5. 1983
    Distinction in PathologyHenry-Roy Dean Prize for Pathology
  6. 1981
    First Class HonorsBachelor in Biochemistry
  7. 1981
    Clinical Scholarship-Clinical SchoolSchuldum Plate of Gonville & Gaius
  8. 1981
    First ClassPart II Natural Sciences Tripos
  9. 1980
    Senior ScholarshipPart IB Medical Sciences Tripos
  10. 1979
    ScholarshipIan-Gordon Smith Prize
  11. 1979
    ScholarshipPart 1A Medical Sciences Tripos

Professional memberships

  1. 2005 - 2006
    ChairContinuing Education Committee, Society of Critical Care Medicine
  2. 2004 - 2011
    MemberEthics Subcommittee, Clinical Practice Committee - Arizona, Executive Operations Team - Arizona
  3. 2003 - 2006
    MemberContinuing Education Committee, Society of Critical Care Medicine
  4. 2003 - 2006
    MemberResearch Committee, Society of Critical Care Medicine
  5. 2003 - 2006
    MemberResidents Education Committee, Society of Critical Care Medicine
  6. 2003 - 2004
    President- ElectEmergency Medicine Section, Society of Critical Care Medicine
  7. 2002 - 2020
    FellowAmerican College of Critical Care Medicine
  8. 2002 - 2004
    MemberInfection Control Subcommittee, Clinical Practice Committee - Arizona, Executive Operations Team - Arizona
  9. 2002 - 2003
    ChairSubcommittee - Project Impact data system for the ICU, Department of Critical Care
  10. 2001 - 2002
    MemberInformation Technology Committee, Executive Operations Team - Arizona, Mayo Clinic Arizona Committees
  11. 2000 - 2002
    StakeholderPICIS Information System for Department of Critical Care, Mayo Clinic Arizona Committees
  12. 2000 - 2002
    MemberPICIS Information System for Department of Critical Care, Mayo Clinic Arizona Committees
  13. 1998 - 2002
    MemberElectronic Medical Records(EMR), Information Technology Committee, Executive Operations Team - Arizona
  14. 1998 - 2002
    MemberInstitutional Electronic Medical Records Design Group, Electronic Medical Records(EMR), Information Technology Committee
  15. 1998
    MemberDepartment of Critical Care
  16. 1998 - present
    Elected FellowRoyal College of Physicians of the United Kingdom
  17. 1996 - present
    DiplomatAmerican Board of Emergency Medicine
  18. 1990 - 2020
    MemberEmergency Medicine Section, Society of Critical Care Medicine
  19. 1990 - 2002
    MemberAmerican College of Critical Care Medicine
  20. 1988 - present
    Elected FellowRoyal College of Surgeons of England
  21. 1987 - present
    Elected FellowRoyal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh
  22. 1986 - 1998
    MemberRoyal College of Physicians of the United Kingdom
