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Anushka Irani, B.M., B.Ch., Ph.D.

  1. Rheumatologist



  1. Jacksonville, Florida



Anushka Irani, BMBCh, DPhil, is a rheumatologist with clinical and research expertise in early rheumatoid arthritis and chronic musculoskeletal pain.

Dr. Irani completed her medical degree at Magdalen College, Oxford, UK in 2003 having obtained a BA Hons in Cambridge, UK, in Natural Sciences in 2000. She completed her internal medicine training in Oxford and undertook her rheumatology specialist training in London and Oxford. She also completed a PhD at the University of Oxford, funded by the NIHR, and was then awarded the Oxford-UCB Prize postdoctoral fellowship in 2017. She practiced as a consultant rheumatologist in Oxford since 2017 where she established the fibromyalgia specialist clinic in Oxford in 2020. She moved to Mayo Clinic Florida in 2023.

Dr. Irani's clinical practice focuses on the treatment of patients with inflammatory arthritis and chronic musculoskeletal pain. Her research interests include neuroimaging in chronic pain, personalized medicine and use of devices to measure physiological outcomes.

  1. Arthrocentesis
  2. Joint injection
  3. Quantitative sensation test
  1. 2023
    Clinical/Research Fellowship - Senior Clinical Research Fellow (UCB Prize Fellowship)University of Oxford
  2. 2015
    Doctoral Fellow - Rheumatology (NIHR Fellow)University of Oxford
  3. 2015
    Doctor of Philosophy - Musculoskeletal SciencesUniversity of Oxford
  4. 2007
    Clinical Fellowship - RheumatologyGreat Western Hospital
  5. 2003
    BM BChMagdalen College, University of Oxford
  6. 2000
    MA - Honours Natural Sciences, Physiology Part II (II.1)New Hall, University of Cambridge


  1. 2006
    RheumatologyRoyal Colleges of Physicians of the United Kingdom

Awards and honors

  1. 2024
    Top Oral Abstract (Three Minute Thesis) Presentation AwardDepartment of Medicine Division
  2. 2022
    Best Practice Awards 2022: Remote Clinical Management. Talking RheumatologyBritish Society of Rheumatology
  3. 2019
    Medical Sciences Fund: Pump-priming award: “Ultrahigh-field 7T neuroimaging to stratify patients with fibromyalgia and investigate response to multimodal rehabilitation treatment”Medical Sciences Division, University of Oxford
  4. 2019
    Pump-priming awardMedical Sciences Division, University of Oxford
  5. 2017
    Oxford-UCB Prize Fellowship to investigate the mechanisms of pain in inflammatory arthritisMedical Sciences Division, University of Oxford
  6. 2014
    Winner of the Researcher CategoryNIHR New Media Competition
  7. 2009
    Above and beyond the call of duty, recognition by Musculoskeletal Teaching Committee Medical Sciences Division, University of Oxford
  8. 2008
    Top Teachers AwardUCL Medical School
  9. 2008
    Recognition for work as PACES RegistrarRoyal College of Physicians
  10. 2003
    Sir John Brotherstone Prize: National Essay PrizeUnited Kingdom Faculty of Public Health Medicine
  11. 1999
    1st class honours Medical Tripos Part II, Cambridge University
  12. 1998
    Prize for Academic ExcellenceNew Hall, Cambridge University
  13. 1998
    1st class honours Medical Tripos Part 1, University of Cambridge

Professional memberships

  1. 2024 - present
    MemberInnovation Advocates
  2. 2023 - present
    MemberInternational Association for the Study of Pain Terminology Taskforce
  3. 2021 - 2023
    MemberResearch and Science Committee, British Pain Society
  4. 2021 - present
    MemberBritish Society of Rheumatology
  5. 2018 - present
    MemberInternational Association for the Study of Pain
  6. 2018 - present
    MemberTerminology Taskforce, International Association for the Study of Pain
  7. 2016 - present
    MemberBritish Medical Association
