Busca un médico

Philippe R. Housmans, M.D., Ph.D.

  1. Anesthesiologist
  • Cardiac anesthesia
  • Cardiac physiology and pharmacology
  1. 1983
    ResidentAnesthesiology, Programs in Rochester, Mayo School of Graduate Medical Education, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine
  2. 1983
    Fellow - General/Cardiac AnesthesiaMayo Graduate School of Medicine, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine
  3. 1983
    Resident - AnesthesiologyRijkuniversitair Centrum Antwerpen
  4. 1982
    Postdoctoral Research Fellowship - N.I.H. Fogarty International Postdoctoral Research Fellow, PharmacologyMayo Graduate School of Medicine, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine
  5. 1981
    Fellow - Cardiac Anesthesia/Intensive CareMayo Graduate School of Medicine, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine
  6. 1981
    Resident - AnesthesiologyUniversity Hospitals, Rijkuniversitair Centrum Antwerpen
  7. 1978
    MD - Universitaire Instelling Antwerpen (UIA)Rijkuniversitair Centrum Antwerpen
  8. 1974
    BS - Medical SciencesRijkuniversitair Centrum Antwerpen


  1. 1987
    AnesthesiologyAmerican Board of Anesthesiology

Awards and honors

  1. 2009
    Distinguished Alumnus Award, (Faculty of Medicine), 2009University of Antwerp
  2. 1994
    Ten Year Service AwardNurse Anesthesia Program, Mayo Clinic School of Health-Related Sciences, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science
  3. 1987
    Board certificationAmerican Board of Anesthesiology
  4. 1986
    GrantSociety of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists
  5. 1986
    B.B. Sankey Anesthesia Advancement AwardInternational Anesthesia Research Society
  6. 1986
    Parker B. Francis Investigatorship in AnesthesiologyAmerican Society of Anesthesiologists
  7. 1985
    Rappaport ScholarshipAwarding Organization
  8. 1984
    Diploma of "Geaggregeerde voor het Hoger Onderwijs" (PhD)University of Antwerp
  9. 1983
    Board Certified in AnesthesiologyMinistry of Health (Belgium)
  10. 1983
    Research position, "Aangesteld Navorser N.F.W.O., principal investigator (awarded for 2 years, resigned 11/84)National Research Council, Belgium
  11. 1983
    Research grant of N.F.W.O., BF 900,000, awarded for 2 yearsNational Research Council, Belgium
  12. 1982
    International Postdoctoral Research Fellowship (TW-03046-01), awarded for one year for research in physiologyFogarty International Center, National Institutes of Health
  13. 1982
    FLEX examination, passed, score 85Awarding Organization
  14. 1979
    Consulting Physician-InspectorMinistry of Transportation, Department of Nautical Affairs, Kingdom of Belgium
  15. 1978
    Certificate no. 297-228-9Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates
  16. 1978
    Visa Qualifying Examination (V.Q.E.)Awarding Organization
  17. 1978
    SPECIA AwardAwarding Organization
  18. 1978
    Diploma, legal degree of "Doctor in de Genees-Heel en Verloskunde"Doctor of Medicine, Surgery and Obstetrics, with Greatest Distinction, Antwerp, Belgium
  19. 1974
    Diploma, legal degree of "Kandidaat in de Geneeskundige Wetenschappen"Bachelor of Medical Sciences, with Great Distinction, Antwerp, Belgium
  20. 1973
    Member, Board of Governors; Secretary, Department of Social AffairsRijkuniversitair Centrum Antwerpen

Professional memberships

  1. 2009 - 2011
    ChairInstitutional Animal Care and Use Committee, Mayo Clinic Committees
  2. 2009 - present
    Ex-OfficioResearch Committee, Mayo Clinic Rochester - Executive Board, Mayo Clinic Rochester Committees
  3. 2009 - present
    MemberResearch Committee, Mayo Clinic Rochester - Executive Board, Mayo Clinic Rochester Committees
  4. 2003 - present
    MemberInstitutional Animal Care and Use Committee, Mayo Clinic Committees
  5. 2001 - 2002
    Subcommittee MemberCommittee on Experimental Circulation, American Society of Anesthesiologists
  6. 2001 - 2002
    MemberEconomics Committee, Minnesota Society of Anesthesiologists
  7. 2000 - 2001
    Alternate DelegateMinnesota Society of Anesthesiologists
  8. 1999 - 2000
    Alternate DelegateMinnesota Society of Anesthesiologists
  9. 1999 - 2000
    MemberMinnesota Society of Anesthesiologists
  10. 1998 - present
    MemberCommittee on Experimental Circulation, American Society of Anesthesiologists
  11. 1997 - present
    MemberAnesthesiology Research Committee, Department of Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine
  12. 1997 - present
    MemberAcademic Appointments and Promotions Committee, Department of Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine
  13. 1996
    MemberScientific Committee, European Association of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Anesthesiologists
  14. 1994
    MemberMultidisciplinary Sciences Special Emphasis Panel ZRG7 SB (1)
  15. 1994
    MemberScientific Committee, The Fourth Antwerp-La Jolla-Kyoto Research Conferences on Cardiac Function, Antwerp, Belgium
  16. 1993 - 1994
    MemberScientific Advisory Board, Association of University Anesthesiologists
  17. 1993 - 1994
    MemberCongressional Liaison Committee, American Society for Cell Biology
  18. 1992 - 1996
    MemberStudy Section (Surgery-Anesthesiology-Trauma), National Institutes of Health
  19. 1992 - 1996
    MemberReviewers Reserve, National Institutes of Health
  20. 1992 - 1995
    MemberCommittee on Experimental Circulation, American Society of Anesthesiologists
  21. 1992 - 1994
    MemberAcademic Appointments and Promotions Committee, Department of Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine
  22. 1991 - 1992
    ChairSearch Committee (Research), Department of Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine
  23. 1991 - 1992
    MemberSearch Committee (Research), Department of Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine
  24. 1988 - 1992
    MemberResearch Committee, Department of Surgery
  25. 1988 - 1990
    MemberSearch Committee, Department of Pharmacology
  26. 1988
    Ad Hoc MemberSpecial Study Section (Surgery-Anesthesiology-Trauma), National Institutes of Health
  27. 1988
    MemberSpecial Study Section (Surgery-Anesthesiology-Trauma), National Institutes of Health
  28. 1986 - 1994
    MemberAnesthesiology Research Committee, Department of Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine
  29. 1984
    ReviewerCellular Physiology, National Science Foundation
    Protocol ReviewerCR75 Committee, CR Awards Program, Center for Patient Oriented Research
    Protocol ReviewerAnesthesiology Research Committee, Department of Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine
    MemberBiophysical Society
    MemberSociety of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists
    MemberInternational Anesthesia Research Society
    MemberCouncil on Cardio-Thoracic and Vascular Surgery, American Heart Association
    MemberCardiac Muscle Society
    MemberEuropean Academy of Anaesthesiology
    MemberEuropean Society of Anaesthesiologists


Research activities

See a description of research activities.