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Jim R. Dornhoffer, M.D.

  1. Otolaryngologist

James R. Dornhoffer, M.D., is an ear and skull base surgeon, or neurotologist. Coming from a family with hearing loss, Dr. Dornhoffer understands the importance of hearing healthcare and the toll that hearing loss can take on a patient and their family. As such, his clinical interests revolve around maximizing hearing outcomes in a variety of diagnoses and conditions.

In addition to his clinical activities, Dr. Dornhoffer is an active researcher. His research focuses on cochlear implantation, particularly on how to provide holistic care and auditory training to new implant recipients. He also examines ways to streamline implant programming, cochlear implantation in unique disease, and quality of life after implantation. Dr. Dornhoffer is a member of the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery and the American Neurotology Society.

  1. Acoustic neuroma
  2. Facial paralysis
  3. Meningioma
  4. Middle ear infection
  5. Otosclerosis
  6. Vestibular disorder
  1. Cochlear implant procedure
  2. Mastoidectomy
  3. Ossicular chain reconstruction
  4. Skull base surgery
  5. Stapes surgery
  6. Tympanoplasty
  • Neurotology/skull base surgery
  • Cochlear implantation
  • Bone conduction hearing devices
  • Cholesteatoma and chronic ear disease
  • Otosclerosis and stapes surgery
  1. 2024
    FellowRST Neurotology, Programs in Rochester, Mayo School of Graduate Medical Education, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine
  2. 2022
    ResidencyMedical University of South Carolina
  3. 2017
    Medical SchoolUniversity of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
  4. 2013
    Undergraduate StudiesHendrix College


  1. 2023
    Otolaryngology-Head & Neck SurgeryAmerican Board of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery

Awards and honors

  1. 2021
    American Otological Society Resident Travel Award, Combined Otolaryngology Spring MeetingAmerican Otological Society
  2. 2016
    Barton AwardUniversity of Arkansas for Medical Science
  3. 2016
    Alex A. Pappas and Ann W. Maners Endowed ScholarshipUniversity of Arkansas for Medical Science
  4. 2015
    George B Wise Memorial AwardUniversity of Arkansas for Medical Science
  5. 2015
    Buchanen Key AwardUniversity of Arkansas for Medical Science
  6. 2014
    Lawrence E. Scheving AwardUniversity of Arkansas for Medical Science
  7. 2013
    UAMS Alumni ScholarshipUniversity of Arkansas for Medical Science
  8. 2013
    Dorothy Snider ScholarshipUniversity of Arkansas for Medical Science
  9. 2013
    Dorothy Snider ScholarshipUniversity of Arkansas for Medical Science
  10. 2013
    Haggard AwardHendrix College
  11. 2013
    Serym Grant RecipientHendrix College
  12. 2010
    Stuckey AwardHendrix College
  13. 2009
    Governor's Distinguished ScholarState of Arkansas
  14. 2009
    National Merit Scholarship RecipientNational Merit Scholarship Coporation
  15. 2009
    Stephen's Award for Excellence in Essay WritingStephen's Organization
  16. 2007
    Eagle ScoutBoy Scouts of America

Professional memberships

  1. 2023 - present
    MemberENT Quality Committee
  2. 2023 - 2024
    Implantable Hearing Devices CommitteeAmerican Academy of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery
  3. 2020 - present
    Trainee MemberAmerican Neurotology Society
  4. 2019 - 2022
    Representative of Resident Section CommitteeAmerican Academy of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery
  5. 2019 - 2021
    Education CommitteeAmerican Academy of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery
  6. 2019 - 2021
    Implantable Hearing Devices CommitteeAmerican Academy of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery
  7. 2018 - present
    MemberAmerican Academy of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery
  8. 2016 - 2017
    PresidentAlpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society
  9. 2016 - present
    MemberAlpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society
  10. 2016 - present
    MemberAmerican College of Surgeons
  11. 2011 - present
    MemberBeta Beta Beta National Biological Honor Society
  12. 2011 - present
    MemberPhi Beta Kappa


Research activities

See a description of research activities.