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Displaying 11-20 out of 23 doctors available

  1. Sailendra G. Naidu, M.D.

    Sailendra G. Naidu, M.D.

    1. Radiologist
    1. Phoenix, AZ
    Areas of focus:

    Radioembolization, Thrombectomy, Embolization therapy, Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt, IVC filter remova...l, Knee pain, Varicocele, Benign prostatic hyperplasia, Kidney angiomyolipoma, Portal hypertension, Liver cancer, Varicose vein, Deep vein thrombosis, Pulmonary embolism

  2. Karen L. Newcomer, M.D.

    Karen L. Newcomer, M.D.

    1. Sports Medicine Specialist
    2. Physiatrist
    1. Rochester, MN
    Areas of focus:

    Sport specific rehabilitation, Arthritis rehabilitation, Rehabilitation therapy, Exercise therapy, Outpatient clinical ...consultation, Back pain management, Joint examination, Musculoskeletal exam, Physical examination, Sports injury, Back pain, Sprain, ACL injury, Osteoarthritis, Rotator cuff injury, Rotator cuff tendinitis, Knee pain, Arthritis, Achilles tendinitis, Golfer's elbow, Neck pain, Cervical spondylosis, Frozen shoulder, Sprained ankle, Tendinitis, Kyphosis, Swollen knee, Tennis elbow, Torn meniscus, Strain, Patellar tendinitis, Baker's cyst, Separated shoulder, Hip labral tear, Bursitis, Patellar tendon tear, Cervical radiculopathy, Shoulder impingement syndrome, Lateral collateral ligament sprain, Lumbar pain, Rotator cuff tear arthropathy, Sacroiliitis, Sacroiliac joint dysfunction, Muscle atrophy, Knee bursitis, Spondylolisthesis, Cartilage injury, Cervical herniated disk, Lumbar radiculopathy, Osteopenia, Cervical spondylolisthesis, Arthropathy, Muscle weakness, Lumbar herniated disk, Biceps tendinitis, Tendinosis, Tendinopathy, Little Leaguer's elbow, Hip tendinitis, Rotator cuff tear, Shoulder instability, Cervical myelopathy, Knee arthritis, Patellofemoral instability, Knee loose body, Tendon pain, Discogenic back pain, Lumbar spondylosis, Sacroiliac pain syndromes, Medial collateral ligament sprain, Shoulder subluxation, Shoulder arthritis, Spondylolysis, Hip tendon tear

  3. Shawn C. Oxentenko, M.D.

    Shawn C. Oxentenko, M.D.

    1. Physiatrist
    1. Rochester, MN
    Areas of focus:

    Ultrasound, Ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration, Ultrasound-guided cortisone injection, Joint injection, Ultrasoun...d-guided injection, Soft tissue injection, Trigger point injection, Viscosupplementation, Intramuscular injection, Ultrasound-guided musculoskeletal injection, Musculoskeletal exam, Injection, Clinical examination, Back pain, Osteoarthritis, Rotator cuff injury, Rotator cuff tendinitis, Carpal tunnel syndrome, Knee pain, Arthritis, Herniated disk, Neck pain, Frozen shoulder, Tendinitis, Swollen knee, Torn meniscus, Foot drop, Patellar tendinitis, Baker's cyst, Sciatica, Leg pain, Bursitis, Hip impingement, Cervical radiculopathy, Shoulder impingement syndrome, Lumbar pain, Rotator cuff tear arthropathy, Calcific tendinitis, Knee bursitis, Shoulder disorder, Cervical herniated disk, Lumbar radiculopathy, Median neuropathy, Radiculopathy, Muscle weakness, Lumbar herniated disk, Biceps tendinitis, Tendinosis, Hip arthritis, Tendinopathy, Gait unsteadiness, Rotator cuff tear, Knee arthritis, Cervical spinal stenosis, Lumbar spinal stenosis, Discogenic back pain, Lumbar spondylosis, Peroneal neuropathy, Ruptured disk, Shoulder arthritis, Hip tendon tear, Knee disorder

  4. Karan A. Patel, M.D.

    Karan A. Patel, M.D.

    1. Sports Medicine Specialist
    1. Phoenix, AZ
    Areas of focus:

    ACL surgery, Knee reconstruction, Rotator cuff surgery, Ankle surgery, Ankle arthroscopy, Ankle reconstruction, Shoulde...r ligament reconstruction, Knee arthroscopy, Shoulder labral repair, Kneecap realignment surgery, ACL injury, Rotator cuff injury, Rotator cuff tendinitis, Knee pain, Achilles tendinitis, Achilles tendon rupture, Fracture, Ankle arthritis, Patellar tendinitis, Metatarsalgia, Patellofemoral pain syndrome, Patellar tendon tear, Shoulder impingement syndrome, Metatarsophalangeal joint sprain, Lisfranc injury, Biceps tendinitis, Shoulder instability, Patellofemoral instability, Knee loose body, Ankle instability, Shoulder subluxation, Biceps tear, Patellar fracture, Knee fracture

  5. Cody W. Petrie, M.D.

    Cody W. Petrie, M.D.

    1. Sports Medicine Specialist
    1. Phoenix, AZ
    Areas of focus:

    Ultrasound-guided cortisone injection, Ultrasound-guided aspiration and lavage for calcific tendinitis , Joint injectio...n, Ultrasound-guided injection, Viscosupplementation, Ultrasound-guided needling , Platelet rich plasma injection, Ultrasound-guided musculoskeletal injection, Musculoskeletal exam, Nerve hydrodissection, Musculoskeletal ultrasound, Percutaneous tenotomy, Platelet rich plasma therapy, Concussion, Sprain, Knee pain, Arthritis, Golfer's elbow, Tendinitis, Tennis elbow, Strain, Shoulder impingement syndrome, Tendinosis, Tendinopathy, Knee arthritis, Shoulder arthritis

  6. Steve K C Poon, M.D.

    Steve K C Poon, M.D.

    1. Sports Medicine Specialist
    1. Phoenix, AZ
    Areas of focus:

    Ultrasound, Ultrasound-guided cortisone injection, Ultrasound-guided aspiration and lavage for calcific tendinitis , injection, Platelet rich plasma injection, Ultrasound-guided musculoskeletal injection, Musculoskeletal exam, Nerve hydrodissection, Percutaneous tenotomy, Concussion, Knee pain, Ankle arthritis, Strain, Hip impingement, Shoulder impingement syndrome, Hip tendinitis, Knee arthritis, Ankle instability, Shoulder arthritis

  7. Cara C. Prideaux, M.D.

    Cara C. Prideaux, M.D.

    1. Sports Medicine Specialist
    2. Physiatrist
    1. Rochester, MN
    Areas of focus:

    Sport specific rehabilitation, Rehabilitation therapy, Exercise therapy, Back pain therapy, Outpatient clinical consult...ation, Back pain management, Joint examination, Musculoskeletal exam, Physical examination, Sports injury, Back pain, Sprain, Hamstring injury, ACL injury, Osteoarthritis, Rotator cuff injury, Rotator cuff tendinitis, Knee pain, Arthritis, Achilles tendinitis, Golfer's elbow, Osteoporosis, Herniated disk, Neck pain, Cervical spondylosis, Frozen shoulder, Myelopathy, Sprained ankle, Plantar fasciitis, Tendinitis, Kyphosis, Swollen knee, Tennis elbow, Torn meniscus, Posterior tibial tendon dysfunction, Patellar tendinitis, Baker's cyst, Separated shoulder, Hip labral tear, Sciatica, Bursitis, Hip impingement, Cervical radiculopathy, Shoulder impingement syndrome, Lumbar pain, Rotator cuff tear arthropathy, Sacroiliac joint dysfunction, Knee bursitis, Spondylolisthesis, Shoulder disorder, Cervical herniated disk, Lumbar radiculopathy, Axial spondyloarthritis, Osteopenia, Cervical spondylotic myelopathy, Arthropathy, Radiculopathy, Functional limitation, Lumbar herniated disk, Biceps tendinitis, Tendinosis, Hip arthritis, Tendinopathy, Gait unsteadiness, Hip tendinitis, Rotator cuff tear, Hyperextended knee, Cervical myelopathy, Knee arthritis, Cervical spinal stenosis, Posterior cruciate ligament injury, Tendon pain, Lumbar spinal stenosis, Discogenic back pain, Lumbar spondylosis, Spinal pain, Thoracic radiculopathy, Medial collateral ligament sprain, Shoulder arthritis, Spondylolysis, Hip tendon tear, Knee disorder, Stenosis

  8. Meghan Richardson, M.D.

    Meghan Richardson, M.D.

    1. Sports Medicine Specialist
    Areas of focus:

    ACL surgery, Meniscus repair, Shoulder arthroscopy, Hip labral repair, Rotator cuff surgery, Cartilage restoration, Hip... arthroscopy, Knee arthroscopy, Shoulder labral repair, Meniscectomy, Kneecap realignment surgery, ACL injury, Knee pain, Hip labral tear, Hip impingement, Patellar tendon tear, Rotator cuff tear, Shoulder instability, Patellofemoral instability, Hip tendon tear

  9. Kim L. Seidel-Miller, M.D.

    Kim L. Seidel-Miller, M.D.

    1. Physiatrist
    1. Rochester, MN
    Areas of focus:

    Spinal cord rehabilitation, Musculoskeletal exam, Back pain, Spinal cord injury, Knee pain, Neck pain, Paraplegia, Neur...ogenic bladder dysfunction, Quadriplegia, Neuropathic pain syndrome, Neurogenic bowel dysfunction, Spinal pain

  10. Bradley F. Thompson, M.D.

    Bradley F. Thompson, M.D.

    1. Physiatrist
    1. Rochester, MN
    Areas of focus:

    Electromyography, Amputation rehabilitation, Arthritis rehabilitation, Nerve conduction study, Ultrasound-guided injection, Joint injection, Back pain management, Ultrasound-guided musculoskeletal injection, Musculoskeletal exam, Spinal injection, Sports injury, Back pain, Limb loss, Knee pain, Arthritis, Spinal stenosis, Neck pain, Myelopathy, Radiculopathy, Muscle weakness, Gait unsteadiness, Nerve entrapment, Tendon pain, Shoulder injury

Jan. 25, 2023


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