
Your or your child's health care provider will start by getting a history of the symptoms of the problem. The provider may be able to feel a sausage-shaped lump in the belly. To confirm the diagnosis, your provider may order:

  • Ultrasound or other abdominal imaging. An ultrasound, X-ray or computerized tomography (CT) scan may reveal intestinal obstruction caused by intussusception. Imaging will typically show a "bull's-eye," representing the intestine coiled within the intestine. Abdominal imaging also can show if the intestine has been torn (perforated).


Treatment of intussusception typically happens as a medical emergency. Emergency medical care is required to avoid severe dehydration and shock, as well as prevent infection that can occur when a portion of intestine dies due to lack of blood.

Treatment options for intussusception may include:

  • A water soluble contrast or air enema. This is both a diagnostic procedure and a treatment. If an enema works, further treatment is usually not necessary. This treatment can actually fix intussusception 90% of the time in children, and no further treatment is needed. If the intestine is torn (perforated), this procedure can't be used.

    Intussusception recurs up to 20% of the time, and the treatment will have to be repeated. It is important that a surgeon be consulted even if treatment with enema is planned. This is because of the small risk of a tear or rupture of the bowel with this therapy.

  • Surgery. If the intestine is torn, if an enema is unsuccessful in correcting the problem or if a lead point is the cause, surgery is necessary. The surgeon will free the portion of the intestine that is trapped, clear the obstruction and, if necessary, remove any of the intestinal tissue that has died. Surgery is the main treatment for adults and for people who are acutely ill.

In some cases, intussusception may be temporary and go away without treatment.

Preparing for your appointment

Emergency medical care is required to treat intussusception. You may not have much time to prepare for an appointment.

What to expect from your doctor

Your child's health care provider is likely to ask you several questions, including:

  • When did your child begin experiencing stomach pain or other symptoms?
  • Does your child's pain appear to be continuous — or is it happening off and on?
  • Does the pain begin and end suddenly?
  • Has your child experienced nausea, vomiting or diarrhea?
  • Have you noticed any blood in your child's stool?
  • Have you noticed any swelling or a lump in your child's abdomen?

What you can do in the meantime

Don't give your child any nonprescription medications to treat symptoms before the appointment. Don't give your child anything to eat if you see any of the symptoms of intussusception. Seek immediate medical attention.

Jan 05, 2023

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  4. Intussusception. Merck Manual Professional Version. https://www.merckmanuals.com/professional/pediatrics/gastrointestinal-disorders-in-neonates-and-infants/intussusception. Accessed Dec. 2, 2022.
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