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Mayo Clinic has one of the largest and most experienced practices in the United States, with campuses in Arizona, Florida and Minnesota. Staff skilled in dozens of specialties work together to ensure quality care and successful recovery.

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Displaying 1-1 out of 1 doctors available

Last Name Initial: B

  1. Scott A. Breitinger, M.D.

    Scott A. Breitinger, M.D.

    1. Psychiatrist
    1. Rochester, MN
    Areas of focus:

    Anxiety disorder, Generalized anxiety disorder, Personality disorder, Mood disorder, Drug addiction, Substance abuse, P...sychotic disorder


Mayo Clinic's addiction programs have a long history of incorporating advances in the medical understanding of addiction and related medical and emotional problems.

Doctors and scientists are doing research to better understand how genetics relates to alcohol, drugs and other addictions. They concentrate on developing individualized strategies for addiction treatment.

Goals include identifying biomarkers, also called biological markers, which indicate a tendency to develop addictive disorders. Another goal is to identify biomarkers that reflect the ability to respond to specific treatment options. Mayo Clinic patients can participate in leading-edge research.


See a list of publications about addiction treatment by Mayo Clinic doctors on PubMed, a service of the National Library of Medicine.

Oct. 04, 2022