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Displaying 1-9 out of 9 doctors available

  1. Toure Barksdale, M.D.

    Toure Barksdale, M.D.

    1. Physiatrist
    2. Palliative Care Specialist
    3. Hospice & Palliative Medicine Specialist
    1. Rochester, MN
    Areas of focus:

    Botox injection, Cancer rehabilitation, Spasticity therapy, Spasticity management for spinal cord injury, Nerve block, ...Cancer survivorship program, Palliative care, Hospice care, Ultrasound-guided cortisone injection, Joint injection, Inpatient rehabilitation , Soft tissue injection, Trigger point injection, Viscosupplementation, Stroke rehabilitation, Pneumatic compression, Back pain management, Intramuscular injection, Joint examination, Ultrasound-guided musculoskeletal injection, Musculoskeletal exam, Pain management, Physical examination, Injection, Cancer, Stroke, Neuromuscular disorder, Sports injury, Back pain, Lymphedema, Functional neurologic disorder, Sprain, Spasticity, Movement disorder, Balance problem, Hamstring injury, Osteoarthritis, Rotator cuff injury, Rotator cuff tendinitis, Carpal tunnel syndrome, Knee pain, Arthritis, Herniated disk, Neck pain, Cervical spondylosis, Frozen shoulder, Paraparesis, Head and neck cancer, Piriformis syndrome, de Quervain's tenosynovitis, Cachexia, Plantar fasciitis, Tendinitis, Nerve compression syndrome, Tennis elbow, Strain, Foot drop, Delirium, Patellar tendinitis, Sciatica, Leg pain, Bursitis, Neurogenic bladder dysfunction, Hip impingement, Cervical radiculopathy, Brachial plexus neuropathy, Shoulder impingement syndrome, Neuropathic pain syndrome, Lateral collateral ligament sprain, Lumbar pain, Rotator cuff tear arthropathy, Calcific tendinitis, Sacroiliitis, Sacroiliac joint dysfunction, Muscle atrophy, Knee bursitis, Spondylolisthesis, Demyelinating neuropathy, Neurocognitive disorder, Shoulder disorder, Cartilage injury, Neurologic muscle weakness, Neuropathy, Quadriparesis, Cervical herniated disk, Lumbar radiculopathy, Neurogenic bowel dysfunction, Axial spondyloarthritis, Cervical spondylolisthesis, Median neuropathy, Arthropathy, Phantom pain, Radiculopathy, Muscle weakness, Functional limitation, Lumbar herniated disk, Biceps tendinitis, Tendinosis, Hip arthritis, Tendinopathy, Breast cancer-related lymphedema, Gait unsteadiness, Hip tendinitis, Rotator cuff tear, Shoulder instability, Knee arthritis, Nerve entrapment, Cervical spinal stenosis, Sciatic neuropathy, Tendon pain, Lumbar spinal stenosis, Sarcopenia, Functional movement disorder, Discogenic back pain, Lumbar spondylosis, Sacroiliac pain syndromes, Peroneal neuropathy, Thoracic radiculopathy, Medial collateral ligament sprain, Cancer-related pain, Shoulder subluxation, Ruptured disk, Breast cancer, Contracture, Brain cancer, Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome, Shoulder arthritis, Spondylolysis, Knee disorder

  2. Jeffrey S. Brault, D.O.

    Jeffrey S. Brault, D.O.

    1. Physiatrist
    1. Rochester, MN
    Areas of focus:

    Botox injection, Hand therapy, Arthritis rehabilitation, Exercise therapy, Nerve block, Regenerative medicine therapy, ...Ultrasound, Carpal tunnel surgery, Ultrasound-guided cortisone injection, Ultrasound-guided aspiration and lavage for calcific tendinitis , Stem cell therapy, Joint injection, Ultrasound-guided injection, Manual therapy, Soft tissue injection, Trigger point injection, Exercise training, Viscosupplementation, Outpatient clinical consultation, Stem cell injection, Bone marrow aspirate concentrate injection, Platelet rich plasma injection, Intramuscular injection, Joint examination, Ultrasound-guided musculoskeletal injection, Musculoskeletal exam, Nerve hydrodissection, Physical examination, Injection, Percutaneous tenotomy, Hand rejuvenation, Therapeutic procedure, Back pain, Sprain, Osteoarthritis, Rotator cuff injury, Rotator cuff tendinitis, Carpal tunnel syndrome, Knee pain, Arthritis, Neck pain, Frozen shoulder, Thumb arthritis, Sprained thumb, Ulnar neuropathy, Dupuytren contracture, de Quervain's tenosynovitis, Sprained ankle, Tendinitis, Nerve compression syndrome, Swollen knee, Wrist pain, Ulnar wrist pain, Hip labral tear, Leg pain, Bursitis, Hip impingement, Cervical radiculopathy, Trigger finger, Shoulder impingement syndrome, Lateral collateral ligament sprain, Lumbar pain, Rotator cuff tear arthropathy, Calcific tendinitis, Sacroiliitis, Knee bursitis, Spondylolisthesis, Shoulder disorder, Cartilage injury, Ulnar nerve entrapment, Cervical herniated disk, Lumbar radiculopathy, Basal joint arthritis, Median neuropathy, Wrist instability, Radiculopathy, Functional limitation, Lumbar herniated disk, Biceps tendinitis, Hand arthritis, Tendinosis, Hip arthritis, Tendinopathy, Rotator cuff tear, Knee arthritis, Cervical spinal stenosis, Tendon pain, Writer's cramp, Hand injury, Wrist ligament injury, Finger instability, Sprained finger, Spondylolysis, Hip tendon tear, Knee disorder, Mallet finger

  3. Courtney R. Carlson Strother, M.D.

    Courtney R. Carlson Strother, M.D.

    1. Hand Surgeon
    1. Rochester, MN
    Areas of focus:

    Carpal tunnel surgery, Wrist fracture treatment, Joint replacement surgery, Wrist ligament reconstruction, Limb deformi...ty correction, Finger reattachment, Nerve transfer, Nerve graft, Wrist replacement, Nerve reconstruction, Nonunion surgery, Wrist arthroscopy, Wrist fusion, Wrist reconstruction, Brachial plexus surgery, Tendon transfer, Nerve decompression, Bone graft surgery, Arthroplasty, Arthroscopy, Hand fracture treatment, Brachial plexus reconstruction, Brachial plexus injury, Peripheral nerve injury, Broken wrist, Carpal tunnel syndrome, Arthritis, de Quervain's tenosynovitis, Tendinitis, Peripheral neuropathy, Wrist pain, Ulnar wrist pain, Ganglion cyst, Trigger finger, Septic arthritis, Cubital tunnel syndrome, Scaphoid fracture, Tendinopathy, Nerve entrapment, Wrist ligament injury, Broken hand, Growth plate fracture, Broken arm, Avascular necrosis, Scaphoid nonunion, Hand mass

  4. Chris Ha, D.O.

    Chris Ha, D.O.

    1. Physiatrist
    1. Phoenix, AZ
    Areas of focus:

    Nerve block, Regenerative medicine therapy, Ultrasound, Ultrasound-guided percutaneous tenotomy, Ultrasound-guided aspi...ration and lavage for calcific tendinitis , Joint injection, Trigger point injection, Viscosupplementation, Stem cell injection, Bone marrow aspirate concentrate injection, Prolotherapy, Platelet rich plasma injection, Ultrasound-guided musculoskeletal injection, Nerve hydrodissection, Percutaneous tenotomy, Tenotomy-fasciotomy with Tenex technology, Sports injury, Back pain, Hamstring injury, Osteoarthritis, Rotator cuff injury, Rotator cuff tendinitis, Carpal tunnel syndrome, Knee pain, Achilles tendinitis, Golfer's elbow, Neck pain, Cervical spondylosis, Thumb arthritis, Sprained thumb, Ulnar neuropathy, Piriformis syndrome, de Quervain's tenosynovitis, Sprained ankle, Plantar fasciitis, Tendinitis, Tennis elbow, Ankle arthritis, Wrist pain, Posterior tibial tendon dysfunction, Ulnar wrist pain, Patellar tendinitis, Baker's cyst, Hip labral tear, Bursitis, Metatarsalgia, Patellofemoral pain syndrome, Hip impingement, Patellar tendon tear, Cervical radiculopathy, Trigger finger, Shoulder impingement syndrome, Calcific tendinitis, Knee bursitis, Shoulder disorder, Lumbar radiculopathy, Median neuropathy, Foot injury, Facet joint syndrome, Radiculopathy, Biceps tendinitis, Hand arthritis, Tendinosis, Hip arthritis, Tendinopathy, Hip tendinitis, Rotator cuff tear, Knee arthritis, Cervical spinal stenosis, Turf toe, Lumbar spinal stenosis, Sarcopenia, Discogenic back pain, Elbow impingement, Lumbar spondylosis, Ankle instability, Hand injury, Ligament pain, Sprained finger, Biceps tear, Posterolateral corner injury, Shoulder injury, Toe arthritis, Shoulder arthritis, Hip tendon tear, Knee cartilage injury, Achilles tendinopathy

  5. Kristin E. Karim, M.D.

    Kristin E. Karim, M.D.

    1. Hand Surgeon
    Areas of focus:

    Carpal tunnel surgery, Wrist fracture treatment, Finger ligament reconstruction, Forearm ligament reconstruction, Finge...r fusion, Wrist ligament reconstruction, Finger joint replacement, Finger reattachment, Nerve graft, Wrist replacement, Wrist arthroscopy, Wrist fusion, Wrist reconstruction, Tendon transfer, Nerve decompression, Arthroscopy, Fracture treatment, Amputation, Elbow fracture fixation, Thumb ulnar collateral ligament reconstruction, Rheumatoid arthritis, Carpal tunnel syndrome, Thumb arthritis, Dupuytren contracture, Fracture, de Quervain's tenosynovitis, Tendinitis, Nerve compression syndrome, Wrist pain, Trigger finger, Tenosynovitis, Wrist instability, Cubital tunnel syndrome, Hand arthritis, Tendinopathy, Hand injury, Wrist ligament injury, Finger instability, Infection, Hand mass

  6. Jane Konidis, M.D.

    Jane Konidis, M.D.

    1. Physiatrist
    1. Rochester, MN
    Areas of focus:

    Nerve block, Ultrasound, Ultrasound-guided cortisone injection, Ultrasound-guided aspiration and lavage for calcific te...ndinitis , Joint injection, Trigger point injection, Viscosupplementation, Bone marrow aspirate concentrate injection, Platelet rich plasma injection, Nerve hydrodissection, Percutaneous tenotomy, Tenotomy-fasciotomy with Tenex technology, Sports injury, Sprain, Hamstring injury, ACL injury, Osteoarthritis, Rotator cuff injury, Carpal tunnel syndrome, Achilles tendinitis, Golfer's elbow, Thumb arthritis, Sprained thumb, Ulnar neuropathy, Dupuytren contracture, Piriformis syndrome, de Quervain's tenosynovitis, Sprained ankle, Plantar fasciitis, Tendinitis, Tennis elbow, Wrist pain, Posterior tibial tendon dysfunction, Strain, Ulnar wrist pain, Patellar tendinitis, Flatfeet, Baker's cyst, Hip labral tear, Bursitis, Metatarsalgia, Hip impingement, Trigger finger, Shoulder impingement syndrome, Calcific tendinitis, Knee bursitis, Shoulder disorder, Metatarsophalangeal joint sprain, Median neuropathy, Foot injury, Biceps tendinitis, Hand arthritis, Hip arthritis, Tendinopathy, Hip tendinitis, Shoulder instability, Knee arthritis, Posterior cruciate ligament injury, Turf toe, Elbow impingement, Peroneal neuropathy, Hand injury, Elbow instability, Shoulder subluxation, Sprained finger

  7. James B. Meiling, D.O.

    James B. Meiling, D.O.

    1. Physiatrist
    2. Neuromuscular Disease Specialist
    3. Electrodiagnostic Physician
    1. Rochester, MN
    Areas of focus:

    Electromyography, Nerve block, Ultrasound, Nerve conduction study, Ultrasound-guided cortisone injection, Ultrasound-gu...ided injection, Ultrasound-guided musculoskeletal injection, Neuromuscular ultrasound, Diaphragmatic ultrasound, Single-fiber electromyography, Ultrasound-guided needle electromyography, Pediatric neuromuscular ultrasound, Pediatric needle electromyography, Musculoskeletal ultrasound, Upper extremity functional restoration, Neuromuscular disorder, Muscular dystrophy, Myopathy, Brachial plexus injury, Peripheral nerve injury, Guillain Barre syndrome, Carpal tunnel syndrome, Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Thumb arthritis, Ulnar neuropathy, de Quervain's tenosynovitis, Nerve compression syndrome, Thoracic outlet syndrome, Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, Ulnar wrist pain, Ganglion cyst, Motor neuron disease, Brachial plexus neuropathy, Trigger finger, Ulnar nerve entrapment, Neuropathy, Radial neuropathy, Basal joint arthritis, Median neuropathy, Cubital tunnel syndrome, Hand arthritis, Tendinopathy, Neuralgic amyotrophy, Nerve entrapment, Hand injury, Mononeuropathies, Inclusion body myositis, Wrist osteoarthritis

  8. Nicholas A. Pulos, M.D.

    Nicholas A. Pulos, M.D.

    1. Orthopedic Surgeon
    2. Hand Surgeon
    1. Rochester, MN
    Areas of focus:

    Carpal tunnel surgery, Wrist fracture treatment, Joint replacement surgery, Physeal bar resection, Limb deformity corre...ction, Finger reattachment, Nerve transfer, Nerve graft, Nerve reconstruction, Vascularized bone grafting, Nonunion surgery, Wrist reconstruction, Microvascular surgery, Brachial plexus surgery, Tendon transfer, Toe-to-thumb transfer, Nerve decompression, Fibula free flap, Bone graft surgery, Free muscle transfer, Arthroscopy, Hand fracture treatment, Brachial plexus reconstruction, Clubhand reconstruction, Hypoplastic thumb reconstruction, Brachial plexus exploration, Polydactyly reconstruction, Syndactyly reconstruction, Brachial plexus injury, Peripheral nerve injury, Cerebral palsy, Juvenile idiopathic arthritis, Broken wrist, Carpal tunnel syndrome, Arthritis, Golfer's elbow, de Quervain's tenosynovitis, Tendinitis, Peripheral neuropathy, Tennis elbow, Wrist pain, Ulnar wrist pain, Ganglion cyst, Trigger finger, Septic arthritis, Congenital hand deformity, Tendinopathy, Nerve entrapment, Wrist ligament injury, Broken hand, Growth plate fracture, Broken arm, Avascular necrosis, Scaphoid nonunion, Nonunion, Hand mass, Clubhand, Pediatric hand trauma

  9. Joshua M. Romero, M.D.

    Joshua M. Romero, M.D.

    1. Sports Medicine Specialist
    2. Physiatrist
    1. Rochester, MN
    Areas of focus:

    Nerve block, Regenerative medicine therapy, Ultrasound, Ultrasound-guided cortisone injection, Ultrasound-guided percut...aneous tenotomy, Ultrasound-guided aspiration and lavage for calcific tendinitis , Viscosupplementation, Bone marrow aspirate concentrate injection, Ultrasound-guided percutaneous fasciotomy, Platelet rich plasma injection, Ultrasound-guided musculoskeletal injection, Microfragmented fat injection, Nerve hydrodissection, Trigger finger release, Tenotomy-fasciotomy with Tenex technology, Concussion, Sports injury, Sprain, Hamstring injury, Osteoarthritis, Rotator cuff injury, Rotator cuff tendinitis, Carpal tunnel syndrome, Achilles tendinitis, Golfer's elbow, Frozen shoulder, Sprained thumb, Fracture, de Quervain's tenosynovitis, Sprained ankle, Plantar fasciitis, Tennis elbow, Wrist pain, Strain, Patellar tendinitis, Baker's cyst, Hip labral tear, Trigger finger, Shoulder impingement syndrome, Calcific tendinitis, Knee bursitis, Biceps tendinitis, Hand arthritis, Hip arthritis, Tendinopathy, Hip tendinitis, Knee arthritis, Turf toe, Elbow impingement, Hand injury, Sprained finger, Shoulder injury, Shoulder arthritis

Aug. 04, 2022


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