Traveling to Mayo Clinic

We understand traveling for health care can be a challenge. Here are some practical tips to make your trip as easy and comfortable as possible.

At Mayo Clinic, we practice integrated, team-based medicine. You will be cared for by a medical professional that is considered the "quarterback" of your medical team. This medical professional will recommend testing and specialty consultations as appropriate based on your unique needs.

It is possible that your appointment schedule may change several times while you are at Mayo Clinic. This is to accommodate any additional appointments or remove unnecessary appointments. You will be notified of any changes or updates to your schedule via the Mayo Clinic app and a new printed itinerary.

Tips to prepare you for your visit to Mayo Clinic

Enroll in Patient Online Services or download the Mayo Clinic app on your smartphone or tablet. This will give you access to real-time appointment schedules, test results, clinical notes and an online inbox portal with your care team.

Bring a trusted individual or caregiver. Caregivers provide important support, especially for individuals with complex and serious medical concerns. They can help take notes, raise concerns and ask questions.

Bring a notebook, pen and folder. The notebook will be helpful for keeping track of questions you want to ask your care team and taking notes on testing and treatment plans. It is not recommended to take notes on appointment schedules, as they tend to change and become outdated. Folders help with gathering patient education materials.

Communicate openly with your care team. At Mayo Clinic we want you to ask questions, raise concerns and share any barriers to care or health that you may be facing. While our medical professionals will review your medical records, that does not take the place of hearing your medical story from you. Your providers may ask questions such as "Why are you here?" or "What's your concern today?" They are looking for additional information and perspective from you that will help the Mayo Clinic team provide exactly the care you need.

Ask for help. Mayo Clinic volunteers play a key role in providing an unparalleled experience for Mayo Clinic patients and visitors. They are there to support you with any questions or needs you may have. Most buildings have a volunteer desk near the main entrance. You may also ask for assistance from anyone with a Mayo Clinic name badge.

See additional travel, lodging and parking information, video guides, and maps on our Patient and Visitor Guide web page.

Please let us know if there is anything we can do to make your visit to Mayo Clinic more comfortable. We look forward to seeing you soon.