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Sarosh R. Irani, B.M., B.Ch., D.Phil.

  1. Neurologist



  1. Jacksonville, Florida



Summary. I have extensive experiences and expertise in diagnosing and treating a broad range of patients with neurological diseases caused by dysfunction of the immune system.

Background. I graduated in medicine (BMBCh) from the University of Oxford, UK, and, from 2003-2006, completed my internal medicine training in both Oxford and London. Next, I completed a PhD in Clinical Neurology at Oxford University (DPhil) and, subsequently, undertook clinical residency training in neurology, in London and Oxford followed by a Fulbright Fellowship in multiple sclerosis and autoimmune neurology in UCSF, USA. Since 2014, I have practiced as a Consultant Neurologist in Oxford both caring for patients with general neurological conditions, and with a special focus on patients with autoimmune neurological illnesses. I founded the Oxford Autoimmune Neurology clinic and was promoted to full Professor of Autoimmune Neurology at the University of Oxford in 2021. I joined Mayo Clinic Florida in 2023 and am Professor of Neurology and Neurosciences.

Focus. I have extensive experience in diagnosing and managing a variety of autoimmune neurological conditions, including autoimmune encephalitis, neuromyelitis optica, stiff person syndrome and paraneoplastic syndromes. I discovered LGI1 and CASPR2 antibodies, and have cared for over 300 patients with LGI1, CASPR2, NMDA, AQP4, MOG and GABA receptor-antibodies and seronegative forms of encephalitis and neuromyelitis optica, and am one of the world's most experienced clinicians in this area.

Also, I help advise the Encephalitis Society and Autoimmune Encephalitis Alliance, two of the major foundations providing patient support in this field. In addition, I lead an internationally-recognized research group which has made several landmark discoveries including the detection of LGI1 and CASPR2 antibodies and their associated presentations, and published >200 scientific papers about autoimmune neurological diseases. I have been awarded multiple international prizes in recognition of my clinical and research observations.

  1. Blood sample collection
  2. Brain scan
  3. Lumbar puncture
  • Autoimmune encephalitis
  • Neuromyelitis optica
  • Stiff person syndrome
  • Paraneoplastic syndromes
  1. 2023
    FellowEuropean Academy of Neurology
  2. 2021
    BM - Distinction in 1st BM Part I and II: 3rd / 4th place in yearCorpus Christi College, University of Oxford
  3. 2018
    Fellow - Medical Research FellowCorpus Christi College, Oxford University
  4. 2014
    Certificate - Certificate of Completion (CCT) of Specialist Training In Neurology Oxford Deanary
  5. 2010
    Doctor of Philosophy - EducationOxford University
  6. 2010
    D.Phil - Clinical NeurologyOxford University
  7. 2003
    BA - Physiological Sciences BA (Hons): upper second-class honoursCorpus Christi College, University of Oxford
  8. 2003
    BM BChCorpus Christi College, Oxford University


  1. 2012
    Adult MedicineRoyal Colleges of Physicians of the United Kingdom
  2. 2012
    NeurologyRoyal Colleges of Physicians of the United Kingdom

Awards and honors

  1. 2021
    Mid-career clinical science award winner International Society of Neuroimmunology (ISNI)
  2. 2020
    Senior Fellow Oxford Biomedical Research Centre
  3. 2019
    prize winner invitationBritish Medical Association
  4. 2019
    Graham-Bull Prize in Clinical Science / Goulstonian LectureshipRoyal College of Physicians
  5. 2018
    Thomas Willis Intermediate Career level Prize: Runner up; best paper published in departmentNuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences (NDCN)
  6. 2017
    Annual Meeting research poster presentation: WinnerAmerican Neurological Association
  7. 2016
    Encephalitis Researcher of the YearEncephalitis Society
  8. 2012
    MS Society research awardFulbright Commission UK
  9. 2011
    Young investigator award runner up, Sue McCarthy Prize Medical Research Society / Academic Medical Society
  10. 2011
    Winner of young neurologist tournament for the best oral presentationEuropean Federation of Neurological Sciences (EFNS)
  11. 2010
    Travel AwardInternational Society for Neuroimmunology
  12. 2010
    Fellow Travel grantAmerican Neurological Association
  13. 2009
    1st prize for poster; Neurology/Neuroscience sectionMedical Research Society / Academic Medical Society
  14. 2009
    2nd prize Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine
  15. 2007
    BRAIN travel GrantCambridge Neuroscience for Clinicians
  16. 2006
    Researcher Development AwardNational Institutes Health
  17. 2005
    3rd prize in poster competition, ‘The ophthalmodesmoses: a novel syndrome’Association of British Neurologists
  18. 2005
    BRAIN travel grantAssociation of British Neurologists

Professional memberships

  1. 2020 - 2021
    MemberNeuroimmunology Advisory Panel, The Wellcome Trust
  2. 2020 - present
    MemberUniversity of Oxford; Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences Personnel Committee
  3. 2019 - 2022
    MemberMedicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency Panel to Understand Aetiology of Drug-Induced Encephalitis, International League Against Epilepsy
  4. 2018 - present
    FellowRoyal College of Physicians
  5. 2017 - 2021
    Conference SecretaryEncephalitis Society
  6. 2013 - present
    Conference secretaryEncepthalitis Society
  7. 2013 - 2023
    ChairpersonNeuroimmunology, British Society of Immunology


Research activities

See a description of research activities.