



  • 运动。物理和作业治疗师可辅导进行伸展、站立和锻炼活动,以助维持关节活动度并防止肌肉缩短或紧绷(挛缩)。
  • 口服药物。口服某些处方药可能有助于缓解肌肉痉挛。
  • 鞘内疗法。有时可以每天 24 小时将药物直接注入脊髓周围的液体中来治疗痉挛。可通过植入泵和导管系统来输送药物。
  • 注射。向受影响的肌肉注射肉毒杆菌(Botox)可能会减少引起肌肉痉挛的信号。注射可暂时缓解疼痛,使患者能够运动并增强肌肉。患者需要每三个月注射一次肉毒杆菌毒素。


  • 神经外科与骨科外科手术。放松紧张肌腱或破坏(消融)感觉脊髓根部运动神经的手术可停止痉挛。


Spasticity management may be important in preventing pain and stiffness from getting worse after a spinal cord injury. If spasticity continues long-term without treatment, it can lead to limited movement, making it hard to function. Treatment also helps prevent pressure sores on the skin.


Spasticity management for spinal cord injury usually involves a combination of therapies that may include:

  • Exercises. Physical and occupational therapy can teach you stretches, positions and exercises that may help you maintain range of motion. The therapies can help prevent muscles from tightening and shortening, known as contracture.
  • Oral medicines. Certain prescribed medicines given by mouth may help reduce muscle spasticity.
  • Intrathecal therapy. Sometimes spasticity may be treated with medicines administered 24 hours a day directly into the fluid surrounding the spinal cord. This type of therapy is called intrathecal therapy. The medicine is delivered by a pump and tube system that is implanted during surgery.
  • Injections. OnabotulinumtoxinA (Botox) injections into affected muscles may decrease the muscle signals that cause spasticity. The injections provide short-term relief, allowing you to move and strengthen your muscles. You may need injections every three months.

    Phenol or alcohol injections into the peripheral nerve near the muscles that have spasticity may reduce muscle spasms.

  • Neurosurgery and orthopedic surgery procedures. Surgical procedures to release tightened tendons or destroy the motor nerves of sensory spinal roots may stop the spasticity.


Spasticity management for spinal cord injury may help improve your muscles' range of motion, reduce pain and make it easier to complete daily activities.