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请参阅美国国家医学图书馆检索服务系统 PubMed 所收录的妙佑医疗国际医生在颚部手术领域的文献著述列表


Jan. 03, 2018
  1. Corrective jaw surgery. American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. http://myoms.org/procedures/corrective-jaw-surgery. Accessed Oct. 13, 2016.
  2. Khechoyan DY. Orthognathic surgery: General considerations. Seminars in Plastic Surgery. 2013;27:133.
  3. Clinical paper: Criteria for orthognathic surgery. American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. http://www.aaoms.org/images/uploads/pdfs/ortho_criteria.pdf. Accessed Oct. 13, 2016.
  4. AskMayoExpert. Orthognathic surgery. Minn.: Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research; 2015. Accessed Oct. 13, 2016.
  5. Hatamleh M, et al. Improved virtual planning for bimaxillary orthognathic surgery. Journal of Caniofacial Surgery. 2016;27:e568.
  6. Berlin NL, et al. Improved short-term outcomes following orthognathic surgery are associated with high-volume centers. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 2016;138:e273.
  7. Salinas TJ (expert opinion). Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn. Nov. 19, 2016.
  8. Urban SD, et al. Intraoral maxillary quadrangular Le Fort II osteotomy: A long-term follow-up study. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. 2004;62:943.