
Mayo Clinic's world-renowned neurosurgeons are trained in brain surgery and other areas and have experience performing craniotomies to treat a variety of brain conditions. Mayo Clinic doctors and surgeons trained in conditions of the nervous system (neurologists and neurosurgeons) have experience diagnosing and treating conditions that require a craniotomy. These conditions include brain tumors, brain aneurysms, seizures, vascular malformations, bleeding in the brain, brain swelling and more.


Mayo Clinic healthcare professionals in neurology and neurosurgery work with a multidisciplinary team of experts in many specialties to provide comprehensive care for adults and children who need a craniotomy. They work with experts in brain and nervous system imaging (radiologists) and with experts who specialize in the ear, nose, throat and head and neck (otolaryngologists). They also work with radiation oncology, pain medicine, and physical medicine and rehabilitation.

Specialists in Mayo Clinic's Brain Tumor Program offer personalized and comprehensive care to people with brain tumors.


Mayo Clinic healthcare professionals in neurology, neurosurgery and pediatric neurosurgery are on the leading edge of treating brain conditions. Mayo Clinic is one of the few medical centers in the country to offer awake brain surgery. Mayo Clinic's innovative approaches include awake brain surgery, robotics, intraoperative MRI, computer-assisted brain surgery and deep brain stimulation.


Mayo Clinic is a leader in neurosurgery. Doctors, surgeons and other healthcare professionals use state-of-the-art facilities that include an intraoperative MRI suite, comprehensive intraoperative neuromonitoring and image-guided surgery.


Mayo Clinic neurosurgeons have extensive experience performing complex brain surgeries such as craniotomies. Every year, Mayo Clinic surgeons perform more than 1,400 craniotomies.

妙佑医疗国际明尼苏达州罗切斯特院区入选《美国新闻与世界报道》评选的神经内科和神经外科领域以及康复领域“最佳医院”。在《美国新闻与世界报道》的 2023–2024 年“最佳儿童医院”排名中,设于罗切斯特的妙佑医疗国际儿童中心在明尼苏达州以及五州地区(爱荷华、明尼苏达、北达科他、南达科他和威斯康星州)名列榜首。

Learn more about Mayo Clinic's neurology and neurosurgery departments' expertise and rankings.