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The purpose of this study is to identify and distinguish two different types of Progressive Apraxia of Speech through clinical imaging and testing. Natural ...
Researchers at Mayo Clinic are developing a Biobank of adult stem cell-rich breast organoids, a new research resource to facilitate normal and cancer stem ...
Nessa Aghazadeh Mohandesi, M.D.. Rochester, MN. Safia K. Ahmed, M.D.. Phoenix, AZ.
Jacksonville, Fla. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the hormonal profile related to opioid-induced hypogonadism (OIH) in chronic pain patients before ...
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the hormonal profile related to opioid-induced hypogonadism (OIH) in chronic pain patients before and after ...
Mayo Clinic Depression Center offers comprehensive, evidence-based evaluation and treatment for people of all ages with depression or bipolar disorder.
Toric intraocular lenses, which corrects for astigmatism. Multifocal lenses, which help decrease the likelihood that you'll need glasses after surgery. Light- ...
Chelsea M. Ale, Ph.D., L.P. · Nick D. Allen, M.D.. Rochester, MN.
... N-acetylaspartate (NAA) and aberrations of the phospholipid signature of neurological tissue; and to identify the presence of IDH mutations by monitoring ...