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This clinical trial is designed to assess the safety, dosing, and preliminary efficacy of a novel penile traction device on correcting deformities relating ...
Rochester, Minn. This protocol is being designed to offer testicular tissue cryopreservation to male pediatric patients (0-17 years of age) with fertility ...
Rochester, Minn. The purpose of this project will examine the feasibility of offering whole genome sequencing (WGS), and developing a Rapid WGS protocol, for a ...
During myringotomy and possibly a tube insertion procedure a small amount of fluid that is being removed from the middle ear (whether or not you participate ...
妙佑医疗国际是美国规模最大、经验最丰富的医疗机构之一,在亚利桑那州、佛罗里达州和明尼苏达州都有院区。医务人员掌握数几十种专业技能,齐心协力,确保高品质治疗与成功 ...
不过,与未作包皮环切相关的风险并不多见。正确护理阴茎也可以降低风险。 如果您的宝宝出现以下情况,医疗护理专业人员可能建议推迟宝宝的包皮环切或 ...