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妙佑医疗国际明尼苏达州罗切斯特院区提供安全的直接护理,并制定了防止COVID-19 传播的方案。
Rochester, Minn. The purpose of this study is to: Evaluate the influence of the critical shoulder angle (CSA) on outcomes after total anatomic shoulder ...
妙佑医疗国际的麻醉科每年接诊145000 多名患者,并将患者护理、研究和教育相结合,积累了广泛的专业知识。
Shweta Agarwal, M.D.. Jacksonville, FL. Hussam Al Kateb, Ph.D. Rochester, MN.
The purpose of this study is to perform RNA sequencing on induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC). By comparing the gene expression of motor neurons derived from ...
Researchers at Mayo Clinic are developing a Biobank of adult stem cell-rich breast organoids, a new research resource to facilitate normal and cancer stem ...
Rochester, Minn. The purpose of this study is to determine the utility of physical therapy services in the Emergency Department through a prospective ...
The objectives of this study are: To evaluate patient-reported quality of life and functional vision across the spectrum of pediatric eye conditions; ...
Interventional Psychiatry Services: Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT). Medications; Relaxation skills training. John E. Herman 康复之家与治疗中心的一名 ...