“검색 엔진 🔍 www.kr.gs”的搜索结果,显示 71-80 项,共有 12148 项
Rochester, Minn. We propose to develop a biorepository of plasma samples from patients with suspected and confirmed portopulmonary hypertension to improve our ...
The overall goal of this project is to study a new 3D ultrasound imaging technology for evaluation of axillary lymph nodes in patients with breast cancer. A ...
Medicare or Medicaid does not qualify for copay assistance programs. You are being treated with specific medicines as listed by the drug manufacturer. What are ...
This randomized phase III trial compares memantine hydrochloride and whole-brain radiotherapy with or without hippocampal avoidance in reducing neurocognitive ...
The purposes of this study are to validate noninvasive hemoglobin monitoring in postoperative orthopedic pediatric patients, to evaluate patient, parent, ...
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effects of improving glycemic control, and/or reducing glycemic variability on gastric emptying, ...
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of Adherus Dural Sealant when used in conjunction with standard methods of dural ...
The purpose of this study is to use urinary exosomes to non-invasively identify (protein biomarkers) various conditions affecting the renal transplant.
This clinical trial is designed to assess the safety, dosing, and preliminary efficacy of a novel penile traction device on correcting deformities relating ...
Rochester, Minn. The purpose of this study is to explore how using different terms (with or without the word cancer) to identify papillary thyroid cancer might ...