“tea tree oil”的搜索结果,显示 51-60 项,共有 1262 项
成分. 6 杯水; 12 袋黑莓草药茶包; 8 根3 英寸长的肉桂枝; 1 汤匙鲜姜末; 1 杯无糖蔓越莓汁; 代糖,按口味添加; 碎冰块. 使用说明. 在大炖锅中将水煮至快要沸腾。
The therapy, IC19/1563, uses some of the patients own immune cells, called T cells, to kill cancer. T cells fight infections and, in some cases, can also kill ...
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月见草是一种开黄花的植物。 月见草油提取自该植物的种子,一般以胶囊的形式出售。这种补充剂中含有γ-亚麻酸 ...
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the dose escalation and expansion of RP1 alone and combined with nivolumab in adult subjects with advanced and/or ...
This is a peripheral blood Collection Protocol to study the T-cell immune responses of patients with malignancies displaying one of three different patterns ...
... T-cell receptors (TCRs) for assessment of immune repertoire diversity by iRepertoire®. Study of RP-6306 With FOLFIRI in Advanced Solid Tumors. Rochester ...
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The purpose of this study is: To assess the efficacy of treatment with checkpoint inhibitors (Pembrolizumab or Nivolumab) in metastatic gastric and ...