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Scottsdale/Phoenix, Ariz. Hypothesis: we hypothesize that the abundance and functions of Breg subsets in kidney transplant patients could be associated with ...
3D Ultrasound Imaging for Breast Cancer Diagnosis. Rochester, Minn. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveess of a new 3D ultrasound imaging ...
Breast Cancer, Reasoning, and Activity Intervention. Scottsdale/Phoenix, Ariz. The purpose of this study is to test the effectiveness of aerobic exercise ...
The purpose of this study is to assemble a collection of serial plasma biospecimens from women with ovarian, primary peritoneal, or fallopian tube cancer for ...
Find Mayo Clinic Emergency Medicine doctors in Minnesota, Arizona and Florida.
Toric intraocular lenses, which corrects for astigmatism. Multifocal lenses, which help decrease the likelihood that you'll need glasses after surgery. Light- ...
... cancer that has spread from the primary site (place where it started) to the brain. Whole brain radiotherapy (WBRT) is the most common treatment for brain ...
The purpose of this study is to identify subtype-specific signatures for breast cancer using genomic positioning of plasma DNA fragments, and to validate ...