“first aide basic”的搜索结果,显示 271-280 项,共有 2327 项
对于成人,如果出现以下情况,请就医:. 症状持续超过10 天。 出现高热。 鼻涕呈黄色或绿色,伴有鼻窦疼痛或发热。这可能是细菌性感染的迹象。
鼻塞是指感觉鼻子不通或感觉鼻部或面部肿胀。鼻子或喉底还可能有液体滴流。 鼻塞常被称为鼻漏或鼻炎。但这些术语存在区别。鼻漏是指鼻子中流出基本上透明的稀薄液体。
Rochester, Minn., Scottsdale/Phoenix, Ariz. This is a peripheral blood Collection Protocol to study the T-cell immune responses of patients with malignancies ...
The purpose of this study is to determine the overall rate of response of brain metastases in subjects with central nervous system (CNS) metastases due to ...
The purpose of this study is to collect medical and personal histories, blood and/or tumor tissue samples from patients who are long-term survivors of lung ...
Howard 不确定自己为何活到今天,但现在他想守护他人,就像他心脏骤停时明尼苏达州Goodhue 的民众陪伴他一样。
The postnatal diagnosis of Long QT Syndrome (LQTS) is suggested by a prolonged QT interval on 12 lead electrocardiogram (ECG),a positive family history ...
org/diseases-conditions/cancer/basics/definition/con-20032378,文本应显示为:. MayoClinic.org Cancer Information. MayoClinic.org Cancer Information. 通用链接 ...
The purpose of this study is to assess the sport nutrition knowledge base of athletes and the relationship between energy availability and body composition in ...
感染的体征,如酸痛肌肉部位周围红肿。 开始服药或增加药物剂量后的肌肉疼痛,特别是用于控制胆固醇的他汀类药物。 肌肉疼痛在居家护理 ...