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The purpose of this study is to evaluate a low-cost Contrast Enhanced Digital Mammogram (CEDM) protocol as a supplemental screening method to standard ...
Rochester, Minn. The purpose of this study is to determine whether transverse/sigmoid sinus junction stenting reduces the risk of recurrent cerebrospinal fluid ...
The purpose of this study is to see if different depths of submucosal tumor invasion in esophageal cancer can predict lymph node involvement and survival. A ...
Rochester, Minn. Levels of bladder cancer-derived extracellular vesicles become undetectable after radical cystectomy in patients with localized bladder cancer.
Jacksonville, Fla. This open-label, randomized study will compare the efficacy of GDC-0199 plus rituximab (GDC-0199+R) with bendamustine plus MabThera/Rituxan ( ...
The purpose of this study is to determine whether treatment of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) with positive airway pressure starting shortly after acute ...
... therefore we have created a virtual program that is more easily accessible by patients. Frailty is thought to be mediated by senescent cells and their ...
... therefore, differentiate between IDH-mutant and wild-type gliomas. A Study to Compare Treatment With the Drug Selumetinib Alone Versus Selumetinib and ...
Rochester, Minn. The purpose of this study is to collect blood samples for DNA analysis from patients clinically diagnosed with Alzheimers disease, Lewy Body ...