Mayo Clinic Ophthalmology Podcast Oct. 01, 2022 The Mayo Clinic Ophthalmology Podcast is hosted by Erick D. Bothun, M.D., and Andrea A. Tooley, M.D., both ophthalmologists at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. This podcast series covers the latest and greatest discoveries in ophthalmology through the lens of an academic institution, Mayo Clinic. Expert guests from around the world discuss ophthalmology and various subsets of the specialty. Dr. Bothun is a Mayo Clinic pediatric eye surgeon who cares for children of all ages with eye diseases. He specializes in diagnosing, treating and researching complex cataracts in infants and children, leveraging his expertise and research experience in pediatric cataracts to tailor the surgical and clinical treatment for each child. Dr. Tooley specializes in ophthalmic plastic and reconstructive surgery. Her clinical and surgical interests include skull base and orbital tumors, endoscopic orbital surgery, aesthetic facial rejuvenation, facial trauma, and facial reconstruction. For more informationMayo Clinic Ophthalmology Podcast. Mayo Clinic. Refer a patient to Mayo Clinic. MAC-20538155 医疗专业人员 Mayo Clinic Ophthalmology Podcast