很遗憾地通知您,Mayo Clinic GeneGuide™ 已于 2020 年 9 月 30 日正式停用,目前无法再使用。
如果您有其他问题或顾虑,请填写并提交下面的联系表,或致电妙佑医疗国际客户服务处电话 1-507-538-4440。
Your Mayo Clinic number is a 7, 8 or 9-digit number we assign to you as a new patient prior to your first visit. You can find it near the top of a range of documents, including pre-visit questionnaires, clinical notes, care summaries, and correspondence.
If you do have Mayo paperwork handy, it's often quickest simply to look for it there. Scroll down to see some examples of how the number shows up: