
  1. 用水冲洗眼睛。使用干净、温热的自来水至少冲洗 20 分钟。使用以下方法中能够最快做到的方法:
    • 打开淋浴,用轻柔的水流对准前额使其流过沾染化学品的眼睛。如果双眼都沾染了化学品,就直接将水流对准鼻梁。保持受污染的眼睛处于睁开状态。
    • 低下头,转向一侧。在缓缓流动的水龙头下睁开受污染的眼睛。如果您可以进入工作地点的洗眼站,则使用洗眼站。
    • 如果是幼儿,让其躺在浴缸里或靠在水槽上,效果可能会更好。将一股轻柔的水流对准其前额冲洗受污染的眼睛,或者对准鼻梁冲洗双眼。
  2. 用肥皂和水洗手。彻底清洗双手,以确保没有化学品或肥皂遗留。
  3. 摘掉隐形眼镜。如果在冲水时没有掉出来,就把它们取出来。


完成以上步骤后,向眼科专家(眼科医生)寻求急救护理,或者立即拨打 911 或当地的急救电话。带上该化学药品的容器或名称,提供给急救医护人员。如果可以,可佩戴上太阳镜以降低对光的敏感性。


If a chemical splashes into your eye, take these steps immediately.

  1. Wash your hands with soap and water. Thoroughly rinse your hands to be sure no chemical or soap is left on them.
  2. Remove contact lenses (if wearing).
  3. Flush your eye with water. Use clean, lukewarm tap water for at least 20 minutes. Use whichever of these approaches is quickest:
    • Get into the shower and aim a gentle stream of water on your forehead over your affected eye. Or direct the stream on the bridge of your nose if both eyes are affected. Hold the lids of your affected eye or eyes open.
    • Put your head down and turn it to the side. Then hold the lids of your affected eye open under a gently running faucet. Use a work site eye-rinse station if one is available.
    • Young children may do best if they lie down in the bathtub or lean back over a sink. Pour a gentle stream of water on the forehead over the affected eye or on the bridge of the nose to flush both eyes.

What to avoid

  • Don't rub the eye — this may cause further damage.
  • Don't put anything except water or contact lens saline rinse in the eye. And don't use eye drops unless emergency personnel tell you to do so.
Aug. 10, 2024