Hereditary Cancer Clinic 概述 打印 The Hereditary Cancer Clinic cares for people who have learned through genetic testing that they have a genetic makeup that may make them more likely to develop certain forms of cancer. The clinic team is led by geneticists who work with genetic counselors, advanced practice professionals and nurses to individualize cancer prevention and surveillance strategies for people with these types of genetics. Education and counseling about cancer risk reduction and effective screening are key aspects of the program. The team reviews and interprets the most up-to-date version of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network guidelines. For conditions without such guidelines, the team reviews the most recent published research to manage care. To provide personalized, specialized cancer risk management, clinic team members meet with patients once a year annually or as needed, based on each person's needs. Diagnoses may include, among others: Adrenal cancer. Breast cancer (and access to the BRCA gene test). Cancer of the ureter. Colon cancer. Kidney cancer. Ovarian cancer. Pancreatic cancer. Prostate cancer. Retinoblastoma. Sarcoma. Skin cancer. Thyroid cancer. Examples of other genetic diagnoses include: Ataxia-telangiectasia. Basal cell nevus syndrome. Bloom syndrome. Carney complex. Dyskeratosis congenita. Fanconi syndrome. MUTYH-associated polyposis (MAP). Nijmegen breakage syndrome. Other hereditary cancer syndromes. 申请预约 June 12, 2024 打印 Share on: FacebookTwitterWeChatWeChatCloseWeibo Clinical Genomics部分概述医生专业团队临床试验研究费用与保险Mayo Clinic 新闻转诊 Hereditary Cancer Clinic预约门诊概述 ORG-20567525 医学科室与中心 Clinical Genomics