临床试验 以下为当前的临床试验。414 研究 肿瘤科(内科) (仅限仍在招募的研究). 按院区、状态和其他条件筛选该研究列表。 Phase 1/2 Study of MRTX1719 in Solid Tumors With MTAP Deletion Rochester, Minn., Jacksonville, Fla., Scottsdale/Phoenix, Ariz. The purpose of this study is to to characterize the safety, tolerability, and pharmacokinetics of MRTX1719 in patients with advanced solid tumor malignancies with MTAP (methylthioadenosine phosphorylase) deletion. A Study to Determine Baseline Levels for Prostate Cancer-Derived Particles Containing Cellular Matter (Extracellular Vesicles) After Local Treatment Rochester, Minn. The purposes of this study are to determine the levels of prostate cancer-derived extracellular vesicles pre- and post-local therapy (radical prostatectomy or radiation therapy), to correlate analysis for PSA levels and prostate cancer-derived extracellular vesicles, and to determine baseline levels of prostate cancer-derived extracellular vesicles in patients undergoing different lines of primary local treatment. Phase I Trial of Sargramostim and Nivolumab for Metastatic Melanoma to the Lung Rochester, Minn. This phase I trial is looking to see if sargramostim given with a nebulizer, in combination with standard immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy with nivolumab can help control melanoma that has metastasized to the lungs. Oligomets pancreas SBRT Jacksonville, Fla. The primary endpoint for this study will compare PFS between SBRT + standard chemotherapy vs. standard chemotherapy alone in patients with oligometastatic pancreatic cancer. PFS is defined as the time from randomization to the first of either disease progression or death from any cause, where disease progression will be determined based on RECIST 1.1 criteria and will be documented at each enrolling site with no central review planned. Olaparib in Treating Patients With Metastatic Biliary Tract Cancer With Aberrant DNA Repair Gene Mutations Scottsdale/Phoenix, Ariz., Rochester, Minn. This phase II trial studies how well olaparib works in treating patients with biliary tract cancer that has spread to other places in the body (metastatic) and with aberrant DNA repair gene mutations. Olaparib may stop the growth of tumor cells by blocking some of the enzymes needed for cell growth. Cardio-Oncology Clinic Registry Rochester, Minn. The purpose of this study is to establish a retrospective and prospective clinical registry of patients seen in the cardio-oncology clinic to characterize trends in the composition and outcomes of the population seen in the clinic, as well as initial clinical analyses on cardiovascular toxicities. Comparing Capecitabine and Temozolomide in Combination to Lutetium Lu 177 Dotatate in Patients With Advanced Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors Rochester, Minn., Scottsdale/Phoenix, Ariz., Jacksonville, Fla. The purpose of this study is to compare capecitabine and temozolomide to lutetium Lu 177 dotatate for the treatment of pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors that have spread to other parts of the body (advanced) or are not able to be removed by surgery (unresectable). Chemotherapy drugs, such as capecitabine and temozolomide, work in different ways to stop the growth of tumor cells, either by killing the cells, by stopping them from dividing, or by stopping them from spreading. Radioactive drugs, such as lutetium Lu 177 dotatate, may carry radiation directly to tumor cells and may reduce harm to normal cells. The purpose of this study is to find out whether capecitabine and temozolomide or lutetium Lu 177 dotatate may kill more tumor cells in patients with advanced pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors. Chemotherapy With or Without Immunotherapy for Peritoneal Mesothelioma Rochester, Minn., Scottsdale/Phoenix, Ariz. The purpose of this trial is to compare the usual treatment alone to using immunotherapy (atezolizumab) plus the usual treatment in treating patients with peritoneal mesothelioma. The usual treatment consists of surgery or chemotherapy. Chemotherapy drugs, such as carboplatin and pemetrexed, work in different ways to stop the growth of tumor cells, either by killing the cells, by stopping them from dividing, or by stopping them from spreading. Bevacizumab is a monoclonal antibody that may interfere with the ability of tumor cells to grow and spread. Immunotherapy with monoclonal antibodies, such as atezolizumab, may help the body's immune system attack the cancer, and may interfere with the ability of tumor cells to grow and spread. Giving atezolizumab with usual treatment may work better than usual treatment alone. SX-682 Treatment in Subjects With Metastatic Melanoma Concurrently Treated With Pembrolizumab Rochester, Minn. The primary objective of this study is to determine the safety profile of SX-682 alone and in combination with pembrolizumab in subjects with metastatic melanoma, including the maximum dose that can be administered until adverse effects prevent further dose increases (i.e., the MTD or recommended phase 2 dose), and the dose-limiting toxicity (DLT). The secondary objectives are to evaluate the efficacy of SX-682 in combination with pembrolizumab on the basis of the objective response rate, the duration of response, and the rate of progression, and to characterize the single-dose and multidose pharmacokinetic (PK) profile of SX-682. Feasibility of a Point of Prostate Cancer Diagnosis Intervention for Newly Diagnosed Black Men Jacksonville, Fla. The objective of this pilot stdy is to plan, develop and establish the acceptance and usability of a Point of Prostate Cancer Diagnosis (PPCD) iCCaRE Virtual Robot Assistant (ViRA). The specific aims of this study are to plan and develop a PPCD iCCaRE ViRA model that will provide social determinants of health (SDOH) navigation services, psycho-oncology support and emotional support using qualitative formative research, and to establish the acceptance and usability of the iCCaRE ViRA at a urology clinic among 50 Black men (BM). Pagination 临床研究 Go to page 11 Go to page 22 Go to page 33 Go to page 44 Go to page 55 NextNext Page 申请预约 专长与排名研究 Dec. 24, 2024 妙佑医疗国际明尼苏达州罗切斯特院区、妙佑医疗国际佛罗里达州杰克逊维尔院区和妙佑医疗国际亚利桑那州凤凰城/斯科茨代尔院区均在《美国新闻与世界报道》2024-2025 全美最佳癌症医院评选中名列前茅。 了解更多关于这一最高荣誉的信息 肿瘤科(内科)科室首页部分概述主治医生专业团队专长与排名临床试验研究患者故事费用与保险Mayo Clinic 新闻转诊 研究完全以患者为中心。 请参见副本 供视频使用 研究完全以患者为中心。 [音乐播放] 妙佑医疗国际神经学教授 Joseph Sirven 医学博士:妙佑医疗的使命以患者为中心。患者第一。我们的使命和研究是为了更好地帮助患者,提供以患者为中心的护理。在很多方面,这是一个循环。这个过程可能很简单,就是先在实验室里出现一个想法,然后带到病床旁加以实施,如果一切顺利,对患者有所助益, 就形成标准。我认为这就是妙佑医疗国际研究方法的一个独特之处,而这种以患者为中心的方式,也是妙佑医疗在众多医疗机构中脱颖而出的原因之一。 部分预约门诊概述主治医生专业团队专长与排名临床试验研究患者故事费用与保险Mayo Clinic 新闻转诊 ORG-20180179 医学科室与中心 肿瘤科(内科)