
妙佑医疗国际的医生会与转诊医生通力合作。妙佑医疗国际的大多数医疗和外科专科都提供电话咨询,每周七天、每天 24 小时服务。请致电转诊医务人员办公室进行安排。



拨打 800-533-1564(免费),每周 7 天,每天 24 小时提供服务。

Please be prepared to specify the transplant service needed (bone marrow, hand, heart, kidney, pancreas, liver or lung transplant) so that the most appropriate person can assist you.


妙佑医疗国际救护服务提供紧急转运服务。要申请此项服务,请致电 507-255-2808800-237-6822(免费)。

Referring physician outreach

The Mayo Clinic transplant center staff is strongly committed to collaborative partnership with referring providers. Mayo builds these partnerships through:

  • Site visits. Staff members welcome the opportunity to visit partnering practices, either to provide a CME presentation, to visit about the transplant care Mayo provides or both.
  • Transplant Center visits. Please let us know if you would like to spend some time with us at the Transplant Center to visit with our care teams and learn more about the care we provide.
  • Online services. Mayo Clinic's Online Services for Referring Physicians page allows you to refer patients and view online clinical notes, radiology reports and test results for your patients.

To schedule a site visit or visit to the Mayo Clinic Transplant Center, please call 866-227-1569

Transplant Center staff values your input. We request feedback from our referring partners formally on an annual basis, and we are working hard to improve opportunities you have shared with us, including the timeliness of sharing patient information with you. In addition to our annual feedback request, we welcome your insights at any time:

March 30, 2024