
Ilyas Vahora, M.D.


  1. Vahora I, Lee W, Rai A, Fein E, Sharma K, Janga KC, Greenberg S. Elevated Amylase in Clostridium difficile–Associated Diarrhea: A Case Report and Follow-up Retrospective Study. Infect Dis Clin Pract. 2013 Jan; 21(1):25-27.
  2. Mori AD, Zhu Y, Vahora I, Nieman B, Koshiba-Takeuchi K, Davidson L, Pizard A, Seidman JG, Seidman CE, Chen XJ, Henkelman RM, Bruneau BG. Tbx5-dependent rheostatic control of cardiac gene expression and morphogenesis. Dev Biol. 2006 Sep 15; 297 (2):566-86 Epub 2006 May 24
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