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Spontaneous visceral artery dissections in otherwise normal arteries: Clinical features, management, and outcomes compared with fibromuscular dysplasia. J Vasc Surg. 2021 Feb; 73 (2):516-523.e2 Epub 2020 July 02 View PubMed Shields Raymond, Anderson Steve, Eggleston Claire, King Tyler, Lundine Victoria, Oderich Gustavo, Colglazier Jill, Bjellum Karen. Glas und Medizin (Glass and Medicine) VDG Nachrichten. 2020; 10-12. Anderson Steve, Eggleston Claire, King Tyler, Lundine Victoria, Oderich Gustavo, Colglazier Jill, Bjellum Karen, Shields Raymond. Training Aid for Aortic Stent Placement Fusion Journal of The American Scientific Glassblowers Society. 2020; February 2020. Jang SK, Sitek A, Said S, Shields RC. Catastrophic Antiphospholipid Syndrome as a Cause of Severe Gastrointestinal Bleeding. Am J Med 2019 Aug; 132 (8):e661-e662 Epub 2019 Mar 21 View PubMed Bott-Kitslaar DM, McBane RD, Casanegra AI, Houghton DE, Froehling DA, Vlazny DT, Ashrani AA, Hodge DO, Vargas ER, Bartlett MA, Saadiq RA, Daniels PR, Shields RC, Lenz CJ, Lang TR, Wysokinski WE. Apixaban and Rivaroxaban in Patients With Acute Venous Thromboembolism. Mayo Clin Proc. 2019 Jul; 94 (7):1242-1252 Epub 2019 Feb 06 View PubMed Hickson LJ, Rule AD, Thorsteinsdottir B, Shields RC, Porter IE, Fleming MD, Ubl DS, Crowson CS, Hanson KT, Elhassan BT, Mehrotra R, Arya S, Albright RC, Williams AW, Habermann EB. Predictors of early mortality and readmissions among dialysis patients undergoing lower extremity amputation. J Vasc Surg. 2018 Nov; 68 (5):1505-1516 Epub 2018 June 28 View PubMed Shah PH, Thompson RH, Boorjian SA, Lohse CM, Lyon TD, Shields RC, Froehling D, Leibovich BC, Viers BR. 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View PubMed Stevens SL, Narr AJ, Claus PL, Millman MP, Steinkraus LW, Shields RC, Buchta WG, Haddon R, Wang Z, Murad MH. The incidence of hypoglycemia during HBO2 therapy: A retrospective review. Undersea Hyperb Med. 2015; 42(3):191-6. View PubMed Skeik N, McEachen JC, Stockland AH, Wennberg PW, Shepherd RF, Shields RC, Andrews JC. Lumbar artery pseudoaneurysm caused by a Gunther Tulip inferior vena cava filter. Vasc Endovascular Surg. 2011 Nov; 45: (8)756-60. View PubMed Said SM, Zarroug AE, Gloviczki P, Shields RC. Pediatric median arcuate ligament syndrome: first report of familial pattern and transperitoneal laparoscopic release. J Pediatr Surg. 2010 Dec; 45: (12)e17-20. View PubMed Shields RC, Nichols FC, Buchta WG, Claus PL. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for chronic refractory osteomyelitis of the sternum. Ann Thorac Surg. 2010 May; 89(5):1661-3. View PubMed Shields RC. Medical management of carotid stenosis. 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