
Barbara K. Bruce, Ph.D., L.P.

  1. Psychologist
  1. Chronic pain
  2. Multiple myeloma
  1. Pain management
  • Assessment and treatment of chronic pain with emphasis on both chronic non-cancer pain and pain associated with malignant disease
  • Controversial use of maintenance opioid therapy in chronic non-cancer pain has been an area of special interest
  • Feasibility and acceptance of a multidisciplinary approach to the management of pain in multiple myeloma
  • Effective treatment for chronic benign pain and cancer pain
  • Understanding of the role of multidisciplinary psychosocial factors in treatment
  1. 1986
    PhD - Clinical PsychologyLouisiana State University, Baton Rouge
  2. 1985
    Internship - Clinical PsychologyVeterans Administration Medical Center, New Orleans, LA
  3. 1981
    MS - Physiological PsychologyUniversity of New Orleans
  4. 1976
    BA - PsychologyLouisiana State University, Baton Rouge


  1. 2004
    Clinical Health PsychologyAmerican Board of Professional Psychology

Awards and honors

  1. 2013
    Excellence Through Teamwork AwardMayo Clinic in Rochester
  2. 2009
    Mayo Excellence in Leadership AwardPain Rehabilitation Center, Department of Psychiatry & Psychology
  3. 2004
    2004 Scientific Poster AwardAmerican Academy of Pain Medicine
  4. 1982
    Graduate Research AwardSigma Xi, University of Illinois at Chicago

Professional memberships

  1. 2016 - present
    Clinical DirectorChronic Abdominal Pain Program, Department of Psychiatry and Psychology
  2. 2016 - present
    EditorMayo Global Business Solutions, The Great Courses Mayo Clinic on Chronic Pain
  3. 2015 - present
    ChairPhysician Engagement Group Division of Psychology
  4. 2015 - 2016
    EditorOffice of Intellectual Property (formerly Mayo Medical Ventures)
  5. 2014 - present
    Clinical DirectorFibromyalgia Treatment Program, Department of Psychiatry and Psychology
  6. 2013
    ChairABPP Board Certification Seminar
  7. 2013 - present
    MemberSpace Committee, Department of Psychiatry & Psychology
  8. 2011 - 2014
    Vice ChairClinical Practice Committee, Department of Psychiatry & Psychology
  9. 2011 - 2014
    MemberAccess Management Committee, Department of Psychiatry & Psychology
  10. 2011 - 2014
    MemberExecutive Committee, Department of Psychiatry & Psychology
  11. 2011 - 2014
    MemberMarketing Committee, Department of Psychiatry & Psychology
  12. 2004 - 2012
    MemberInstitute for Clinical Systems Improvement
  13. 2004
    MemberMaruta Replacement Recruitment Committee, Department of Psychiatry & Psychology
  14. 1999 - 2009
    MemberPsychosocial Council, Mayo Clinic Cancer Center - Rochester
  15. 1999 - 2009
    MemberPsychosocial Program Leaders, Mayo Clinic Cancer Center - Rochester, Mayo Clinic Cancer Center
  16. 1999 - 2000
    MemberSearch Committee, Orofacial Pain Service, Department of Dental Specialties
  17. 1998 - 2014
    MemberFibromyalgia Executive Committee, Mayo Clinic Rochester Committees
  18. 1997 - 2000
    ChairDivision of Psychology, Department of Psychiatry & Psychology
  19. 1997 - 2000
    MemberExecutive Committee, Department of Psychiatry & Psychology
  20. 1996 - 2001
    MemberReproductive Medicine Advisory Board, Division of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology
  21. 1993 - 1997
    HeadSection of Behavioral Medicine, Division of Psychology, Department of Psychiatry & Psychology
  22. 1992 - 1993
    ChairBehavioral Medicine Services Committee, Section of Behavioral Medicine, Division of Psychology
  23. 1992 - present
    MemberMayo Foundation Chapter, Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society
  24. 1989
    ReviewerCoping with the Holiday Blues, Mayo Clinic Healthline
  25. 1988 - 2016
    MemberComprehensive Pain Rehabilitation Center, Mayo Psychiatry and Psychology Treatment Center, Department of Psychiatry & Psychology
  26. 1988 - 2014
    Clinical DirectorComprehensive Pain Rehabilitation Center, Mayo Psychiatry and Psychology Treatment Center, Department of Psychiatry & Psychology
  27. 1988 - 1990
    MemberIntramural Education Committee, Department of Psychiatry & Psychology
  28. 1988 - 1989
    ChairSchwartz Replacement Recruitment Committee, Department of Psychiatry & Psychology
  29. 1987 - 1990
    MemberPostdoctoral Education Committee, Section of Psychology, Postdoctoral Program in Medical Psychology
  30. 1987 - 1988
    ChairOsborne Replacement Recruitment Committee, Department of Psychiatry & Psychology
    Co-ChairPractice Integration Task Force and Committee, Department of Psychiatry & Psychology
    ReviewerMayo Clinic Book on Chronic Pain, Office of Intellectual Property (formerly Mayo Medical Ventures)
    ReviewerMayo Clinic Book on Arthritis, Office of Intellectual Property (formerly Mayo Medical Ventures)
    ReviewerMayo Clinic HealthQuest, Office of Intellectual Property (formerly Mayo Medical Ventures)
    ReviewerFilm on Temporomandibular Disorder, Department of Dental Specialties
    ReviewerFilm on Stress Management, Department of Foundation Finance
    Continuing Education Chair for APAMayo Clinic
    MemberPain Task Force, Clinical Practice Committee - Rochester
    MemberMayo Alumni Advisory Board, Mayo Clinic Committees
    MemberMedical Directors Committee, Mayo Psychiatry and Psychology Treatment Center, Department of Psychiatry & Psychology
    MemberOperations Committee, Mayo Psychiatry and Psychology Treatment Center, Department of Psychiatry & Psychology
    MemberExecutive Committee, Division of Psychology, Department of Psychiatry & Psychology
    MemberSearch Committee, Department of Psychiatry & Psychology
    MemberHospital Operations Committee, Adult Psychiatry Inpatient Service, Department of Psychiatry & Psychology
    MemberHospital Practice Committee, Clinical Practice Committee - Rochester
    MemberPostdoctoral Psychology Training Committee, Department of Psychiatry & Psychology
    MemberMultidisciplinary Fibromyalgia Center Task Force, Mayo Clinic Task Forces/Work Groups
    MemberPart-Time Task Force, Department of Psychiatry & Psychology
    MemberPsychiatry Interdisciplinary Committee, Department of Psychiatry & Psychology
    MemberComprehensive Integrated Anxiety Disorders Service Committee, Department of Psychiatry & Psychology
    MemberAd Hoc Cancer Control Planning Committee, Mayo Clinic Cancer Center - Rochester, Mayo Clinic Cancer Center
    MemberSmoking Cessation Program Committee, Department of Psychiatry & Psychology
    MemberSmoking Cessation Executive Committee, Department of Psychiatry & Psychology
    MemberLong Range Planning Committee, Clinical Growth and Development, Mayo Clinic Rochester Committees
    MemberNursing Education Assertiveness/Social Skills Committee, Department Committees, Department of Nursing
    MemberMultidisciplinary Pain Group, Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
    MemberExecutive Council, Midwest Association of Behavioral Analysis and Therapy
    MemberPhobia and Related Anxiety Disorders, Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy
    MemberSociety of Behavioral Medicine
    MemberSoutheastern Psychological Association
    MemberMidwest Pain Society
    MemberAmerican Pain Society
    MemberInternational Association for the Study of Pain
    MemberDivision 12 - Society of Clinical Psychology, American Psychological Association
    MemberDivision 38 - Health Psychology, American Psychological Association
    MemberSpecial Interest Group, Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy
    MemberChronic Pain Guideline Development Group, Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement
