
Matthew J. Binnicker

  1. Microbiologist


  1. Rochester, Minnesota



Dr. Matt Binnicker is the Director of Clinical Virology at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN. His laboratory provides diagnostic testing for a variety of viral diseases, including respiratory viruses as well as those causing illness in immunocompromised patients. His clinical research is focused on the development of rapid and accurate diagnostic tests for viral infections, as well as how to use existing laboratory methods to provide optimal diagnosis and management. Current projects in Dr. Binnicker's lab include:

  • Development of next-generation sequencing assays to identify antiviral-resistance in cytomegalovirus (CMV)
  • Development of new molecular tests to diagnose vaccine-preventable diseases, including measles and mumps
  • Use of COVID-19 molecular assays to diagnose and manage patients infected with SARS-CoV-2
  1. Viral infection
  • Diagnosis of viral infections
  1. 2006
    ResidentClinical Microbiology-PhD, Programs in Rochester, Mayo School of Graduate Medical Education, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine
  2. 2006
    Fellow - Clinical MicrobiologyMayo School of Graduate Medical Education, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine
  3. 2004
    PhD - Microbiology; Thesis: Modulation of programmed cell death in human urethral epithelium following infection with Neisseria gonorrhoeaeUniversity of Iowa
  4. 1999
    BS - Biology and Life SciencesGraceland University


  1. 2007
    Medical MicrobiologyAmerican Board of Medical Microbiology

Awards and honors

  1. 2018
    President-Elect (2020)Pan American Society for Clinical Virology
  2. 2015
    Invited Expert Reviewer: USPSTF report on screening for syphilis in non-pregnant adultsUnited States Preventive Services Task Force
  3. 2014
    2014 Young Investigator AwardPan American Soceity for Clinical Virology
  4. 2004
    Postdoctoral Fellowship, Clinical MicrobiologyMayo School of Graduate Medical Education, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science, Department of Education Administration
  5. 2004
    James F. Jakobsen AwardUniversity of Iowa
  6. 2003
    James F. Jakobsen AwardUniversity of Iowa
  7. 1998
    Graybill Life Sciences Academic ScholarGraceland University

Professional memberships

  1. 2020 - present
    President ElectPan American Society for Clinical Virology
  2. 2019 - present
    ChairExecutive Operations Team, Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology
  3. 2018
    Co-ChairPan American Society for Clinical Virology
  4. 2018
    Co-ChairPan American Society for Clinical Virology
  5. 2017 - present
    ChairDLMP Clinical Practice Committee, Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology
  6. 2017 - present
    MemberDLMP Executive Committee, Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology
  7. 2015 - present
    Vice ChairSupply Chain Management, Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology
  8. 2015 - present
    MemberDLMP Leadership Committee, Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology
  9. 2015 - present
    Voting MemberProfessional Practice Committee, American Society for Microbiology
  10. 2015 - present
    ChairProfessional Development Committee, American Society for Microbiology
  11. 2015 - present
    ChairAmerican Society for Microbiology
  12. 2015 - present
    MemberMayo Medical Laboratories Leadership Team, Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology
  13. 2015
    ChairOnline Education Task Force, American Society for Microbiology
  14. 2015
    Vice ChairSpace and Remodeling Subcommittee, Clinical Practice Committee - Rochester
  15. 2015 - present
    MemberRochester Facilities Committee, Mayo Clinic Rochester Committees
  16. 2015 - present
    Co-ChairPan American Society for Clinical Virology: Advocacy and Public Relations Subcommittee
  17. 2014 - present
    Council MemberPan American Society for Clinical Virology
  18. 2012 - 2015
    MemberItem Development Committee, American Board of Medical Microbiology
  19. 2012 - 2016
    ChairResource Management Subcommittee, DLMP Clinical Practice Committee, Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology
  20. 2012 - present
    MemberLeadership Team, DLMP Clinical Practice Committee, Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology
  21. 2012 - present
    MemberPan American Society for Clinical Virology
  22. 2011 - present
    MemberAssociation for Molecular Pathology
  23. 2011 - 2015
    ChairFacilities and Space Committee, Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology
  24. 2011 - 2015
    MemberSpace and Remodeling Subcommittee, Clinical Practice Committee - Rochester
  25. 2011 - present
    MemberDLMP Clinical Practice Committee, Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology
  26. 2010 - 2013
    Committee MemberAmerican Society for Microbiology
  27. 2010 - present
    MemberMentoring Working Group Task Force for Clinical Microbiologists, American Society for Microbiology
  28. 2010 - 2014
    MemberAssociation of Medical Laboratory Immunologists
  29. 2010 - 2013
    MemberInstitutional Biosafety Committee, Mayo Clinic Committees
  30. 2009 - 2011
    MemberStandardization of Method Validation Working Group, Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology
  31. 2009 - present
    MemberEuropean Society for Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Disease
  32. 2007 - present
    Committee MemberAmerican Board of Medical Microbiology
  33. 2007 - 2014
    ChairQuality Working Group, Division of Clinical Microbiology, Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology
  34. 2007 - 2014
    MemberFacilities and Space Committee, Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology
  35. 2007 - 2014
    MemberQuality Working Group, Division of Clinical Microbiology, Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology
  36. 2006 - present
    MemberAmerican Society for Microbiology


Research activities

See a description of research activities.