Shelley Noland, M.D., Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Mayo Clinic: My name is Dr. Shelley Noland. I am a hand and peripheral nerve surgeon here at Mayo Clinic in Arizona.

Pelagia Kouloumberis, M.D., Department of Neurosurgery, Mayo Clinic: My name is Dr. Pelagia Kouloumberis and I am a neurosurgeon here at Mayo Clinic in Arizona.

Shelley Noland, M.D.: Dr. Kouloumberis, what is the brachial plexus?

Pelagia Kouloumberis, M.D.: The brachial plexus is a complex of nerves that exit the spinal cord that supply power to the upper extremity or the arm.

Shelley Noland, M.D.: A brachial plexus injury results in injury to these nerves entering the arm, which can cause paralysis or weakness in the upper extremity. Dr. Kouloumberis, what's the most important thing for a patient with a new diagnosis of a brachial plexus injury to understand?

Pelagia Kouloumberis, M.D.: Once you have suffered an injury of your brachial plexus, it is very important that you receive care for that injury in a timely fashion. This is a time sensitive injury and you should be evaluated by somebody who specializes in this field as soon as possible.

Shelley Noland, M.D.: Here at the Mayo Clinic in Arizona, we believe that patients with brachial plexus injuries deserve and require a team-based approach.

Pelagia Kouloumberis, M.D.: When patients come to us with brachial plexus injuries, we realize that their needs are more than just surgical. That is why we have assembled a team to help address the needs of the entire patient.

Shelley Noland, M.D.: Here in the treatment of brachial plexus injuries we offer cutting edge procedures, including nerve transfers and muscle transplantations.

Pelagia Kouloumberis, M.D.: Each treatment plan is individualized, taking into account the patient's need such as degree of injury and type of reconstruction required.

Shelley Noland, M.D.: If you or a loved one has sustained a brachial plexus injury, we encourage you to seek out a brachial plexus specialist as soon as possible.

April 14, 2020