Mayo Clinic offers appointments in Arizona, Florida and Minnesota and at Mayo Clinic Health System locations.
Medicare, Medicare advantage, or a military-sponsored plan like VA or Tricare. There are multiple grants that exist to help patients with this type of coverage for various services.
When grants become available, the Mayo Clinic's External Funding Team reaches out to patients who might qualify. We will facilitate the application process, which includes signing a Release of Information form, getting us permission to submit your claims and an explanation of benefits on your behalf. You are also welcome to research and apply for grants on your own.
Grant eligibility varies by disease fund and type of grant. In general, grants have multiple criteria that may include you're getting treatment for the disease named in the disease fund. Your treatment must be listed as a covered service for your disease fund. You have health insurance that covers your qualifying medication or product. Health insurance requirements vary by fund. Your income must fall within the range defined by the fund. You must reside and receive treatment in the United States or U.S. territories. U.S. citizenship is not required.
Once you receive a grant, Mayo Clinic can help you submit your healthcare claims explanation of benefits for reimbursement. Our team will then ensure that the funds from the grant are distributed against your current balances.
In 2023, mail clinic obtained more than $10,000,000 in approved grant funds for our patients. Your clinic might be able to help with free drug options for your infusion. For oral medications, the pharmacy that distributes your oral drugs can help you with the free drug program.
If you're interested in pursuing co pay or grant assistance programs, please contact us to coordinate a convenient time to meet with an expert. You can contact us via email using this email address or by phone, Monday through Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Central Standard Time. When calling, request a business office visit with our External Funding Team, they will provide an option to connect you with an expert.
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