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Adam I Perlman, M.D., Integrative Medicine and Health: I'm Dr. Adam Perlman. Your healthcare provider has referred you for consultation with the health and wellness coach. Or you might have recently heard about health and wellness coaches in social or published media and are wondering, what does this coaching about? How and why does it matter to me?

Abd Moain Abu Dabrh, M.B., B.Ch, M.S., Integrative Medicine and Health: I'm Dr. Moain Abu Dabrh and Mayo Clinic health and wellness coaching is an approach that creates a partnership between a Mayo Clinic health and wellness coach and you, the coach individual. This coaching partnership aims to empower you to take a leading role in your own health and well-being as it fits your values, preferences, and the context of your life and will ultimately allow you to reach your health-related goals and vision.

Dr. Adam Perlman: This process involves non-judgmental and open conversations using evidence-based approaches and strategies to understand, explore, and envision what truly matters to you.

Dr. Abu Dabrh: The aim is to help you move towards an intentional, mindful and accountable state of taking actions and implementing sustainable, positive behavioral changes in your life.

Dr. Adam Perlman: Our certified and rigorously trained health and wellness coaches are embedded as part of our clinical care teams to work synergistically and collaboratively. While our coaches work with your clinicians and you to support achieving your short- and long-term health care goals, the collective goal is to also help you explore, achieve, and live the best quality of life possible as you envision it on various levels of your life outside the healthcare setting.

Dr. Abu Dabrh: This involves any aspects of your health and wellness, physical, emotional, social, spiritual, cultural, environmental, occupational, and more. Whatever matters to you and affects your sense of well-being, it can be part of this process.

Dr. Adam Perlman.: You might be a person who feels stuck amidst the chaos and business of your daily personal and professional commitments and demands. Challenged, perhaps by just trying to find a better work-life harmony or integration. You might be a person living with one or multiple chronic conditions and wanting to explore how you can improve your health and quality of life to live and enjoy life more fully. You might be a caregiver of a loved one who is living with a chronic condition and challenging circumstances have forced you to put your own well-being at a lower priority.

Dr. Abu Dabrh: This is a service that is available for individuals, but is also provided for couples or in groups. To learn more and to inquire about the value of integrating health and wellness coaching as part of your care, contact our integrative medicine and health practice and ask for a health and wellness coaching appointment.

Health and wellness coaching, supporting your vision to live your best life.

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