1. SABR, also known asStereotactic body radiotherapy)
  2. SBRT, also known asStereotactic body radiotherapy)
  3. Sclerotherapy
  4. Sed rate (erythrocyte sedimentation rate)
  5. Sedimentation rate, also known asSed rate (erythrocyte sedimentation rate))
  6. Sentinel node biopsy
  7. Septoplasty
  8. Sexuality and fertility management after spinal cord injury
  9. Shoulder arthroplasty, also known asShoulder replacement surgery)
  10. Shoulder replacement surgery
  11. Single-photon emission computed tomography, also known asSPECT scan)
  12. Skin biopsy
  13. Skin tests, allergy, also known asAllergy skin tests)
  14. Sleep study, also known asPolysomnography (sleep study))
  15. Sleeve gastrectomy
  16. Small bowel capsule endoscopy, also known asCapsule endoscopy)
  17. Small bowel endoscopy, also known asCapsule endoscopy)
  18. Sonography, also known asUltrasound)
  19. Spasticity management for spinal cord injury
  20. SPECT scan
  21. Spinal cord injury rehabilitation
  22. Spinal fusion
  23. Spinal manipulation, also known asChiropractic adjustment)
  24. Spinal tap, also known asLumbar puncture (spinal tap))
  25. Spirometry
  26. Splenectomy
  27. Stem cell transplant, also known asBone marrow transplant)
  28. Stem cell transplant, allogeneic, also known asAllogeneic stem cell transplant)
  29. Stem cell transplant, autologous, also known asAutologous stem cell transplant)
  30. Stereotactic ablative radiotherapy, also known asStereotactic body radiotherapy)
  31. Stereotactic body radiation therapy, also known asStereotactic body radiotherapy)
  32. Stereotactic body radiotherapy
  33. Stereotactic radiosurgery
  34. Stool DNA test
  35. Stop-smoking services
  36. Stress management
  37. Stress test
  38. Stroke telemedicine, also known asTelestroke (stroke telemedicine))
  39. Subdermal contraceptive implant method, also known asContraceptive implant)
  40. Supraventricular tachycardia ablation, also known asSVT ablation)
  41. SVT ablation
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