Search Results 81-90 of 15262 for hemorrhoid%20banding
Hemorrhoids. These are swollen veins in your anus or lower rectum, similar to varicose veins. Anal fissures. These are small tears in the lining of the anus ...
This advanced stage of liver damage often shows no symptoms until it's quite serious. Find out about symptoms and treatment of this life-threatening liver ...
Uterine fibroids or uterine polyps, which are tissue growths in the uterus that aren't cancer. An infection of the uterine lining. Hormone therapy, tamoxifen or ...
Vascular Anomalies Clinic at Mayo Clinic in Arizona and Minnesota offers comprehensive, coordinated care to people with vascular anomalies (malformations).
Ibuprofen injection is a nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug (NSAID) that is used alone or together with other medicines (eg, opioid analgesics) to relieve mild ...
It may be difficult to hold stool back if muscles at the end of the rectum are damaged during childbirth, or hemorrhoid or cancer surgery. Weak or ...
Bleeding that's like a period happens while taking the inactive pills. An extended-cycle pill pack contains hormone pills that you take for longer than a month.
Sam Farres, M.D., Chair, Division of Vascular Surgery Mayo Clinic in Florida: Thoracic outlet syndrome is a condition where irritation or compression of nerves ...
... Hemorrhoidectomy, Hemorrhoidal banding, Ulcerative colitis, Inflammatory bowel disease, Crohn's disease, Colon cancer, Rectal cancer, Familial adenomatous ...
In this inherited disorder, the blood lacks one of several clot-forming proteins. The result is prolonged bleeding, which can be life-threatening.
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